Value of Money


You are a banker at the world's largest bank! One of your customers has come in with a large sack of coins. You will be learning learn the value of each coin and how to count it. At the end of the Webquest, you will be able to count your customers large sack of coins. 


During this WebQuest, you will explore different websites and watch a video to learn the different values of coins in United States currency, as well as to be able to identify them. As you go through the websites and video, remember to fill out the worksheet that has been given to you.




Step One: How are coins made?

Watch the short video below, which will explain how coins are made.

Step Two: What are the different coins that the United States has?

Watch the short video below, which will explain what the different coins are.

Step Three: Practice identifying different coins using the links below



Being able to successful answer the questions below will show your understanding of coins in the United States.

1. What value does the penny hold?


2. What value does the nickel hold?


3. What value does the dime hold?


4. What value does the quarter hold?


5. How many pennies will make a nickel?


6. How many nickels will make a dime?


7. How many dimes and nickels will make a quarter?


8. How many dimes and pennies will make a quarter?


9. What color is a penny?


10. What coins are silver colored?


The WebQuest is sadly over. You have learned what the different coins look like that are used in the United States, as well as the value of each of the four coins.


