5th Grade History- The Checks and Balances of the United States Government

KAS.5.C.CP.2 Analyze the structure of the U.S. government, including separation of power and its system of checks and balances.
Learning Target: I can list and explain the checks and balances of the U.S. government.

Have you ever wondered who makes sure the president doesn't make laws that require ice cream with every meal? Or makes sure he doesn't force everyone to wear yellow on Sundays?

In the U.S. we have a system called, "Checks and Balances", this makes our government follow the rules while they are making them!

Let's learn more about checks and balances!



Task: Today you are going to have to imagine that you need to teach your dog (or cat or fish) about checks and balances by making a Canva poster about checks and balances. 

Go through each link for information on C's&B's and take notes as needed on your Canva template, then use pictures and bullet points to describe the cycle of C&B's. 

Make sure your poster is clean and easy to understand so even your dog can understand! (Rubric is under Evaluation tab!)



1. If you need a reminder about who does what in the government, here is a vocab list that I want you to look at before reading-  https://bensguide.gpo.gov/index.php/learning-adventures-4-8/9-age-9/43-how-laws-are-made 


2. Go to this website: https://bensguide.gpo.gov/j-check-balance to read about the checks and balances. 


3. Look at these info-graphs to visualize the C's&B's. Try to follow the arrows and notice how everything balances itself out.


north american checks and balances template


4. Let's watch two quick videos!



5. Use this link to make a copy of the Canva template and make your own info-graphic! 


I will be around checking in on you and helping out where I can. When you're done let me know and I will check your info-graphic.

Here is the rubric I will be using to grade!

Rubric for Canva Poster (Total 15 points)
Clean/ Simple   0-1 Unorganized, overlapping words/ unreadable texts. 2-3 Semi-organized poster but difficult to view/ follow. 4-5 Poster is to the point and uses easy to read colors and fonts.
Effort  0-1 No clear effort displayed in any way. 2-3 Effort displayed in organization and word choice. 4-5 Effort clearly displayed in organization, word choice, and aesthetic.
Evidence of Knowledge  0-1 No EoK, student could not explain infograph. 2-3 Student is knowledgeable about topic. 4-5 Student is engaged in topic and can summarize the system of C's&B's in their own words.



If you got done super fast and I have given you the OK, you can watch these other videos or play these games that are relevant to our government!


President's and their dogs!




Today we learned about the checks and balances of the United States government! 


Are there any checks and balances in your home or in your life that you can think of?


When you go home, don't forget to tell your animals about the C's&B's! Who knows, your dog might want to run for president one day!


All the Presidents Dogs: Photos of White House Pets


Teacher Page

5.C.CP.2 Analyze the structure of the U.S. government, including separation of power and its system of checks and balances.

Learning Objective: I can list and explain the checks and balances of the U.S. government.