Butterlfy and Frog Life Cycle By:Kaley Johnson


Students will identify two life cycles that occur in the Springtime. The two life cycles will be butterflies and frogs. The information will be introduced in large group literacy. The students will observe the life cycle of butterflies in class via a display in the science center.The frog cycle will be observed by teaching vocabulary and creating a flow chart to show the changes in frogs. As an extension of the project students will observe the hatching of butterflies. Daily students will observe the changes in the butterfly cycle, the teacher will keep record of each stage on the board.


Students will identify two life cycles that occur in the Springtime. The two life cycles will be butterflies and frogs. The information will be introduced in large group literacy. The students will observe the life cycle of butterflies in class via a display in the science center.The frog cycle will be observed by teaching vocabulary and creating a flow chart to show the changes in frogs. As an extension of the project students will observe the hatching of butterflies. Daily students will observe the changes in the butterfly cycle, the teacher will keep record of each stage on the board.


For the project, students will draw on prior knowledge. Students will also be granted access to the science center in the classroom The science center will have specimens in resin of both butterflies and frog life cycles. In addition to the specimens students will have access to science books and a writing tablet. The writing tablet will be utilized to form hypothesis in the order of events. All specimens will be labeled according to a number in the cycle. The writing tablet will be filled out, students will model writing of numbers on the paper. If a teacher is unsure of the number a time will be taken to analyze knowledge from the student at the teacher/paraprofessional desk. Each student has a writing tablet that is their science journal.

Peer sharing will occur during small group.Students will  compare their hypothesis on sequencing of butterfly and frog cycles. Students will compare the numbers of sequencing to confirm or argue the correct sequencing. A teacher/paraprofessional will be walking around the room to observe, offer advice, and ensure students are on topic and on task.


The lesson will end when all groups share their hypothesis and the teachers adds to the KWL chart. The time for lesson completion will be two days. Each group will have one spokesperson to share the result of their findinging.


The study of the life cycles of butterflies and frogs will coincide with the Spring semester. Students will draw on information previously taught in Pre-K. Skills such as modeled writing and critical thinking skills will be taught and reinforced in the Science lesson. Student will be required to identify the life cycle of a butterfly or frog in an individual assignment. All students will receive either a butterfly or frog worksheet to complete. Students sitting by each other will not receive the same worksheet. Students who are ELL, IEP , or 504 students will receive the appropriate accommodations.

Teacher Page

Category       Beginning                                                  Developing                                              Mastering Score


Large Group

Students share prior knowledge with no support

Students share prior knowledge that is false but supported

Students share prior knowledge that is correct and supported


Small Group

Students share opinion of sequencing with no respect for others

Students share opinion of sequencing with developing respect of others 

Students share opinion of sequencing with respect for others 



Students are able to stay on task and complete worksheet error are 2/5

Students are able to complete worksheet with little errors 3/5

Students are able to complete worksheet with no errors 5/5



Students are able to write 1-2 numbers legibly 

Students write 3-4 numbers legibly

Students write all numbers legibly