Local NC Government


Work your way through this webquest on state and local government in Charlotte. If you get stuck anywhere ask for help!


First step first! Look over the three sections below. What are the different levels of state government? What do they do? Does not have to be in complete sentences. 

Section 1:
State Government- Executive Branch 

Use the Internet links below to answer these questions related to the State Government: 

1. Describe the Executive branch's job 

2. Research and list the current members of the Executive branch. 

  • Governor 
  • Lt. Governor 
  • State Council

 http://www.nc.gov/government/branches.aspxhttp://ncpedia.org/government/state/executivehttp://www.secstate.state.nc.us/kidspg/ncgov.htmhttp://generationnation.org/index.php/CLC/entry/three-branches-of-government-for-kids Section 2: State Government- Legislative Branch 1. Describe the Legislative branch's job  2. What are the names of the two houses under the General Assembly?  http://www.secstate.state.nc.us/kidspg/ncgov.htmhttp://generationnation.org/index.php/CLC/entry/three-branches-of-government-for-kids Section 3: State Government- Judical Branch  1. Describe the Judical branch's job  2. Name one of the courts in the North Carolina Judical System  http://generationnation.org/index.php/CLC/entry/three-branches-of-government-for-kidshttp://www.nccourts.org/Courts/Default.asp


Use the city of Charlotte's website http://www.charmeck.org to answer the following questions.

Scroll down to the bottom, click on City Council webpage then About Us

1) What is the job of the city council?

2) How many city councilman are there? 

3) What is the job of the Mayor?

4) What is the job of the city manager?

Go back to the main page, scroll down, and click on Mecklenburg County Board of Commissioners 

5) What are their responsibilities?


Go back to the main page, click on water service and billing

6) How many ways do I have to pay my water bill? 

Go back to the main page, click on the police department site

7) Scroll down to the bottom, how do you fix a traffic ticket?

Go back to the main page, in the upper right hand corner click on departments, click on the board of elections

8 )What are the changes to the new voter ID law? 

Go to the sheriff's department website http://mcsowebsvr.co.mecklenburg.nc.us/mecklenburg/index.asp 

9) Who is the sheriff of Mecklenburg County?



Make sure this gets turned back into Ms. Boltz!