Exploring Environmental Planning: A WebQuest for High School Students


Welcome, future environmental planners! Are you passionate about protecting the planet and creating sustainable communities? In this WebQuest, you will take on the role of an environmental planner and embark on a mission to design a sustainable city that minimizes environmental impact and promotes human well-being.


Your task is to research, plan, and present a comprehensive environmental plan for a fictional city. Your plan should address key aspects of environmental planning, including land use, transportation, energy, waste management, and green spaces.


1. Choose Your City: Select a fictional city from the provided list (e.g., EcoVille, GreenCity, HarmonyTown, etc.).
2. Research: Use the provided resources to gather information about environmental planning principles, sustainable development practices, and case studies of eco-friendly cities.
3. Plan Your City: Develop a comprehensive environmental plan for your chosen city. Consider factors such as land use zoning, public transportation infrastructure, renewable energy sources, waste reduction strategies, and green building standards.
4. Create Your Presentation: Use multimedia tools such as PowerPoint, Google Slides, or Prezi to create your presentation. Include maps, diagrams, charts, and images to illustrate your environmental plan.
5. Present Your Plan: Practice presenting your environmental plan to your classmates. Be prepared to explain your rationale, strategies, and vision for creating a sustainable city.


Your environmental plan will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Comprehensive analysis of environmental issues
  • Creativity and innovation in planning solutions
  • Feasibility and practicality of implementation strategies
  • Clarity and effectiveness of presentation


Criteria  Excellent (4)   Good (3)    Fair (2)     Needs Improvement (1)
Environmental Analysis         
Planning Solutions         
Implementation Strategies          
Presentation Skills         



Congratulations on completing your environmental planning project! By researching, planning, and presenting your environmental plan, you have taken a significant step toward creating a more sustainable future. Remember that environmental planning is an ongoing process, and your ideas and efforts can make a positive impact on the world around you.


The WebQuest template was adapted from CreateWebquest.com, and the content was created by Genelyn Mahusay.

Teacher Page

This WebQuest is designed to engage high school students in inquiry-based learning about environmental planning. As a teacher, you can facilitate this activity by providing guidance, support, and access to resources. Encourage students to explore a variety of sources and perspectives to gain a comprehensive understanding of environmental issues and sustainable development practices. Additionally, provide opportunities for peer collaboration, feedback, and reflection to enhance learning outcomes.