Plant Kingdom Web Quest


Directions: Using the following websites, gather information about the major groups of plants. 


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1. What are the 4 major types of true plants?

2. Compare and contrast vascular and nonvascular plants.


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3. Where are the two networks of tubes in vascular plants located?
4. What do the tubes transport?
5. Where do water and nutrients enter the plant?
6. How do water and nutrients get to the stems?
7. Where do the water and nutrients go from there?
8. What is transpiration?
9. What do food tubes do?


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10. What are the 2 food and water tubes called that are the “transportation” system in plants?
11. Trees and vascular plants have a top and bottom. What does the top and bottom consist of?
12. What are the functions of the bottom? What are the functions of the top?
13. Draw a diagram showing the movement of water, nutrients and sugar in a plant.


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Click on Mosses and Liverworts on right hand side of the page
14. What is the most important feature of mosses and liverworts?
15. How big are mosses and liverworts? Why?
16. Because mosses and liverworts have no vascular system they thrive in what type of 
Click on Ferns & Horsetails on right hand side of the page
17. What is meant by the title, ”First Plants with Pipes?”
18. Do ferns and horsetails reproduce with seeds?
Click on Gymnosperms on right hand side of the page
19. What is so special about this group of vascular plants?
20. What are two advantages of seeds?
21. Give 2 examples of gymnosperms.
22. What is the evolutionary advancement after seeds that gymnosperms do not have?
Click on Angiosperms on right hand side of the page
23. Why are flowers an advantageous adaptation?
24. How are these seeds spread by animals? 
25. Describe a monocot versus a dicot: