

You are encountered by aliens from outer space. They claim to be the environment police of the universe. They have accused the human race of destroying the Earth, and plan to evict all human life from Earth unless you, the human ambassador according to the aliens, can come up with a solution to save the Earth from pollution. It is your responsibility to research all types of pollution, and come up with a plan to clean up the Earth, so the human race can continue to occupy the planet in peace.

Cloudy Sky with Mountains - Free High Resolution Photo

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Create a PowerPoint presentation that includes detailed information of the following:

1. Describe the ways in which humans have impacted the environment.

2. Explain how pollution harms the environment.

3. Research and describe solutions to reduce pollution caused by humans. 

Include complete sentences, pictures, and relevant information. Cite evidence to back up your statements.


S3L2. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about the effects of pollution (air, land, and water) and humans on the environment.

a. Ask questions to collect information and create records of sources and effects of pollution on the plants and animals.

b. Explore, research, and communicate solutions, such as conservation of resources and recycling of materials, to protect plants and animals.

photo of Denver municipal green compost trash can and purple recycling cart"Photo courtesy photos-public-domain.com"


Step 1: Research and learn about how the human race has impacted the planet.


What are the 3 types of pollution?

What are some examples of each type of pollution?

Step 2: Discover the effects on the environment that is caused by pollution.



What happens to the air quality when it is polluted? 

What happens to fresh water and salt water when it is polluted? Marine life?

What happens to plants and animals when land is polluted? 

How can each of these affect human life on Earth?

Step 3: Research ways to prevent pollution from happening?


What can you do to help the environment?

What could your school or community do?

How can governments help?

How can you spread the word to others about preventing pollution, and saving the environment?

Step 4: Gather your information and place it into a PowerPoint presentation. 

Aluminum Cans Recycling Sign - Free High Resolution Photo"Photo courtesy photos-public-domain.com"

  4. Distinguished 3. Proficient 2. Apprentice 1. Novice
Content-Quality of Information:
Information is accurate and about the topic


All information was clear and came from trusted sources. Used many facts, details, and examples to explain the topic. Used many facts and details to explain the topic. Information came from trusted sources. Had information about the topic. Project needed more facts and details. Did not have facts or details about the topic. Information was false or only opinion.
Color, font, and layout


Used color and fonts to make the project easy to read. Design made the reader want to continue viewing the project. Used color and fonts to make the project easy to read. Layout made the project attractive. Used too many different fonts and too many colors. Layout made the project hard to read. Did not change fonts or add color. Did not pay attention to project layout.
Backgrounds, illustrations, photographs, diagrams,and/or animation


Used the same colorful background for the entire project. Graphics made ideas in the project easy to understand. Used the same background for the entire project. Used graphics that matched the topic. Used too many different backgrounds. One or two graphics did not match the topic. Did not use backgrounds. Graphics did not match the topic.
Ideas, conventions, organization, and word choice


Ideas in logical order. Interesting details supported the main idea. Used topic-specific vocabulary. Made no spelling, grammar, capitalization, or punctuation errors. Used personal style and feeling. Most ideas in logical order. Details supported the main idea. Used proper vocabulary. Made less than 5 spelling, grammar, capitalization, or punctuation errors. Some ideas in logical order. Few details supported the main idea. Made 5 to 10 spelling, grammar, capitalization, or punctuation errors. Ideas not in logical order. Details did not support the main idea. Made more than 10 spelling, grammar, capitalization, or punctuation errors.



Congratulations! The aliens liked your plan for saving the planet! They have agreed to let the human race to continue to live on Earth peaceably, but will continue to monitor the progress. Keeping the planet clean, and not using all of it's resources up is vital to the survival of the planet and to the human race.

Recycling Arrows on Cardboard Box - Free Photo"Photo courtesy photos-public-domain.com"