How to create a graphic synthesis or logo, correctly.


How to create a graphic synthesis or logo, correctly.



Create a graphic synthesis o logotype correctly. 


The sections that make up this webquest are:

1. Task: Recommendations to understand how a logo created correctly.

2. Process: the steps to build a logo, based on preconceptions.

3. Evaluation: set of elements to be considered when creating a logo.

4. Conclusion: concluding observations on the process of creating a logo.

5. Credits: information and references used in general.



It starts with the inclusion of information according to how to create a logo and related considerations: sketch lines, colors and simplicity. Next, a series of steps that will recommend for a logo and it locks. Finally, in the concluding section some concluding remarks to be taken into account in the spontaneous creation of an isotype and a logo dipondrán.

Clarified concepts

  • Logotype: A logo also called logo- -coloquialmente is a graphic sign that identifies a company, a commercial product or in general, any public or private entity. This is precisely the letters making up the name of the business or commercial product. It is equivalent to the concept of graphic synthesis.




  • Isotype: refers to the part, or more generally recognizable iconic of the spatial design of a brand, whether corporate, institutional or personal. It is this image or icon in the overall design.




  • Graphical Summary: This is the equivalent to the concept of logo name. It is a set of elements: icons, symbols and letters that form a graphic representation of the mark for a product, company or commercial service.






The logo is the image of the company (like the photo of your identity card). Since the first thing people will identify and is the first thing that people will remember. So it is vital that it is designed in the best way, so that its position in the memory of all personar be provided from the start. Many of the logos pertecen to large companies worldwide have italics such as Coca-Cola or the dove of NIKE, demonstrating the simplicity that must be maintained. This is the first thing to consider: "All logo should be designed to be remembered."

Following the words of Jonah Berger, author of Contagious, Why Things Catch On:

"Other people must be able to speak for your brand (...) You love your company, you think it's wonderful, but if you're not to tell the others, what is it that people will remember and they will tell others people?".

The best logos have been designed based on the same principles. Berger says that there are five keys to creating a successful logo:

1. Simplicity

The main element of the best logos is its simplicity. "A good way to think in terms of simplicity is to analyze how many pieces are in the logo movement," says Berger. For example, the old Apple logo was rainbow colored, whereas today it is in a solid black or grayscale. That simplicity makes the logo easier to see, something that consumers appreciated.

"The easier process things, the more we like", says Berger. For that reason, many brands have aesthetic elements easy to digest. Other major brands such as IKEA, IBM and Coca-Cola follow this rule. "It's hard to find iconic logos that have more than two or three colors," he says.


2. Consistency brand

Your logo notify customers about your brand, so you must make sure that the design is consistent with the message of your company. Consider again the Apple logo. Decades ago, says Berger, "multicolored had an association with the freedom and charisma," but not anymore. Although the old Apple logo connoted the free spirit of a new company that was threatening giants, its current position as one of the most successful companies requires the futuristic image now.

Yet Apple logo is lighter and friendlier than IBM that is "dark and imposing," says Berger. "This is consistent with the message that Apple wants to give: We are technology, but technology friendly and easy to use." If you are starting a new business, you should think seriously what are the key features of your brand and how you want to include in the logo.


3. Make it memorable

This means that you create a logo that is easy to remember for consumers, which will help attract customers by word of mouth recommendation, says Berger. Your logo should "help remind them that you exist and why you exist."

Simplicity often helps make the most memorable logos, but interestingly "some inconsistency", can also help increase the memory according to Berger. If the Apple logo does not have a bite "it may be easier to process, but harder to remember and that would equal thousands of things you've seen before." So spread something different or unexpected in your logo to make it easier to project.


4. Do Incredible

This element is what makes your logo stand out and help you differentiate yourself from the competition. TalentBin, a search engine that helps entrepreneurs find talent, has a logo that exemplifies quality. The logo is a cartoon of a purple squirrel on a unicorn. Although it may seem ridiculous, has a meaning: "In the recruitment industry, a" purple squirrel "is a type of difficult person to find," says Berger. "It's a way to show that they are infiltrators, who know the culture."

Squirrel dwelling is not the main logo of TalentBin, but usually it is used internally in conferences and promotional materials are provided at industry events. "If you're an established company, you may not want an extraordinary logo", says Berger. "But if you're a startup you need to take risks."


5. Evaluate it on the market

Finally, if you do not trust your instincts when designing your logo do a market study recommends Berger. You can do this via the Internet and social networks, simply asking people. The point is not to assume that your logo is great. Before printing your cards, get feedback about whether your logo says what you want me to say.


Importance of designing a logo correctly

Must be considered when designing any logo, which is produced is actually the corporate identity of a company or commercial product. It is therefore of vital importance that you are clear that it is the visual representation of a company or organization, which depend image or concept that we will form the company. In short, it is the calling card of a company, "the image the company conveys to the outside". If the design expresses the wrong message, it may even be a sign of its decline.

Now, you need to consider when designing a logo, you should follow these steps:

1. Choose the first message to be transmitted

The logo is made up uniquely for words, figures, icons, colors and fonts. Forcing the message to be transmitted should be as direct, concrete and simple. The idea behind the logo should reflect the corporate image of the company, product or service they wish to represent. Sometimes it can be useful to make a brief study on the strengths of what it seeks to represent; and then make a brainstorm.

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2. Develop sketches enough

To design the logo properly, it is necessary to perform many preliminary sketches that eventually will give way to the idea. Sometimes it will be important to note that every stroke is actually a proposal that will be shaping as the right message and logo communicate the identity of the company or product, directly and concretely.

It may be helpful geometric shapes PLS for the visual impact is effective and memorized.

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3. Choose the right type of lines and figures

Together with the above, it should be added that in designing a logo, each form is critical and never varies in purpose. For example, a circle turns on itself giving the freedom, independence and unity feeling; a triangle wake security while pointing at his sides, one ring gives a sense of confidence and mastery, the same way a spiral is wound with a constant elegance, making you feel the subtlety of nature. Do not let the simplicity of these forms, you do underestimate. Because they are simple, but they have the power to create a complete message without explanation.

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4. Decide on an appropriate font

Perhaps the most outstanding designing a logo, part is the choice of typography; because without doubt, the essence of any business is its name, since it is their recognition as well as their method to be remembered. Not simplente place the typography to appear at the first, but the decision by one source or another, will be done according to the characteristics of the company or product. For example, a product dedicated to losing weight, you need a stylish, thin, thick different typeface font that expresses the opposite message.

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5. Determine the right colors

The second most important, after the typography is the decision about the colors. Since there is a whole psychology of color in which each color has a specific function within a design. For example, depending on the characteristics of the company or product, the colors should reflect who is it for and what is the function prinicipal product, service or company. It should also be noted that each color harmonies and corrsespondientes may result in different behavior for the target audience.

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6. Check that there is simplicity required

Now, as for the element that predominates in all logo design, the golden rule is "simplicity". And simplicity not only means fewer elements but the message is specific, clear and direct; for the product or service that requires it. A tool that can serve much use for any designer, is used as guides Gestalt laws, which explains how humans asimilia the different relationships of elements in a design.

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7. Note that is reproducible in different formats and printing methods

Finally, having endured the above recommendations on the development of a design, it is also important to consider the output of the logo is designed; that is, what will be the method for printing. Whether it will be reproduced for the printing system Off Set, Xerigrafía, Digital or flexography. Each requires paying attention to details to make the results best.

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You have to design a logo for a cafeteria. This is located near a university. His greatest strength is in its facilities there are four types of environments: formal, informal, study and meetings. Their prices are affordable and for most of the day there is music depending on the area where you want to be. It has excellent service and great quality food.

According to previous information, perform the following exercises:

1. Brainstorm ideas that allow convey the right message.

2. Create four proposals with different characteristics.

3. Choose one of the previous proposals that you liked and made three sketches in black and white where use three geometric figures. It must be the cleanest possible lines and errors.
4. Choose one of the previous proposals and develop 3 designs with different fonts.

5. Choose one of the above proposals and with 3 different color harmonies of two colors. You can use one color with different opacities too.

6. Choose one of ls above proposals and check that the message is direct, simple and clear.

7. To confirm that the message is concrete, clear and direct, apply the minimum standards required for the impresion system: Digital.*

* for more infomation to this step, visit: 




As seen above, while designing a logo is needed inspiration and fresh ideas, also require care to put in some detail for the design to achieve the best results. Because when designing a logo, some basic concepts that provide a better expression and easy to memorize the corporate image of a service, product or company must apply.

By following the steps presented here is intended that one begins with the development of logos, can an immensely useful tool that can be corroborated when. While that is a necessary guide for the experienced designer are always confirming his work has the right foundation. 




Eha, Brain Patrick (2015). 5 Tips para crear un logotipo sobresaliente. Consulted: 22/10/2015. Available in:…

10 consejos para impresión Off Set y digital. Consulted: 22/10/2015. Available in

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