Revolutionary War and the Life After


In this web quest you will learn about what the after affests of the revolutioanry war had on the colonists and what they decided to do to form a new government that they felt was a more ideal way of living. 

Image result for revolutionary war victory celebration


After exploring the process, choose one of the assement options from below. 

Newspaper Article- write about at least one political figure and their involvement in the war or government (must be in the form of a newspaper with at least one picture)

Image result for newspaper article revolutionary war


Role: the person writing the the paper ex. George Washington

Audience: Who you are writing to ex. the military

Format: is it a letter, speach, debate, persuasive essay ex. address

Topic: what is your focus? ex. thank you for service

Green Screen App- make a documentary about the conversations from the conventions that created the Constitution. (copy and paste into youtube) 

5 Paragraph Research Paper- Write a five paragraph research paper on the 3 checks and balances of our government

Paragraph 1: Intro

Paragraph 2: Legislative Branch

Paragraph 3: Judicial Branch

Paragraph 4: Executive Branch

Paragraph 5: Conclusion (Why do we need these branches?) 

Image result for 5paragraph paper graphic organizer

Google Powerpoint- Create at least 4 slides about the effects of the Revolutionary War (some ideas- our Constiution, Our President, the Treaty of Paris signed, free trade)

Prezi- Create a presentation of each branch of government (Legislative, Judicial, Executive) and explain their roles and characteristics 

As a refresher play Mission 1: for Crown or Colony from the attached link 




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