

The world has dark pages in its history, and at times the challenge of righting such immeasurable wrongs seems impossible. Reading narratives about the Holocaust will reveal the worst in human behavior, but it will also show how individuals can find light in the darkness.


What is genocide?

1. Define  "genocide" in your own words.2. When we refer to the  "holocaust", what time period are we talking about?

Hitler Comes to Power

3. What levels of German society were most drawn  to Hitler and the Nazi Party?

Nazi Racism

4. What was Hitler's  term for the "master race"? Describe this type of person.5. What types of German  citizens were victims of the Nazi Party?


6. Define antisemitism. 7. When did it begin?8. What other  nations treated Jews as scapegoats (blamed them for some trouble)?

The Nuremberg Laws

9. According to the Nuremberg Laws of 1935,  how did the German government decide if someone was Jewish?10. What did the German government require  of Jews in German society?Kristallnacht: The Night of Broken Glass11. What happened on November 9, 1938? What  caused the violence?

Refugee Map

12. Many Jews escaped Germany during this  time. What countries accepted the most Jewish refugees?

Evian Conference

13. Why did the US not allow entrance to  more refugees before WWII?

The Final Solution

14. What was the goal of the "Final  Solution?"


15. How many ghettos existed in German  occupied territories?

16. Describe the largest ghetto.

Abe's Story: Kutno Ghetto

17. Describe the picture and say how people  are treated.

Abe's Story:  Conditions Worsen

18. Describe how the conditions  worsened.

19. What does Abe do? Where does he go? Why?

Concentration Camps

20. What were the first Nazi concentration camps? 21.  What was the primary purpose of these camps?

Forced Labor Camps

22. Describe what happens to most "workers".

Death Camps

23. What happened at most of these camps?

Death Marches

24. Why were people forced to go on "death  marches"?

Family Photograph

25. Create your own caption for this photo.  Describe what the family is doing and where they are going.


26. Choose two images from this site. Include their title and a description of each picture.


27. When the Soviet soldiers liberated  Auschwitz Death Camp, how many shoes did they find?


28. Describe one hardship survivors had to  face.

"First They Came for the Socialists" 

29. Read the poem, and summarize what it is about in a few sentences.

Importance of teaching about the Holocaust

**SEE..."Studying the Holocaust Helps Students to..."

30. If you were going to teach others about  the importance of studying the holocaust, what would you include?