Anaerobic respiration


Anarobic respiration- cellular respiration that proceeds without the presence of oxygen.


During this web quest we will be going further in depth while we explore the immensely inrapturing process of Anarobic respiration.


where does this commonly occurs?

what does lactic acid fermentation allow?

pyruvic acid from glycolysis is reduced to lactic acid by?…

What is alcoholic fermentation?

what process is similar to anaerobic respiration?

What does figure 1 show?

List one advantage of anaerobic respiration and one advantage of aerobic respiration.

Fermentation is a way of making what? 

Aerobic respiration produces much more ___ than anaerobic respiration.


As you could see this we quest let you understand the basics of the inrapturing process of Anaerobic respiration. The websites helped you understand the vocab and the processes anadrobic respiration. it expressed the differences in anarobic and aerobic respiration as well as the similarities and values they both have. Hope you Enjoyed.