Earth Day


As you know, Earth Day is coming up on Tuesday, April 22. Over the next two weeks, you will be working together to educate our community and each other about the importance of keeping our environment clean. You will work with a small group to create an informational presentation of different ways to keep the Earth clean. Beginning today, you will journey through a WebQuest to complete your Earth Day activities in time to celebrate the cleanest holiday, Earth Day. You will focus on how we can keep our environment clean through research and exploration that focuses on human impacts on the environment.

Look at the pictures below. What do you see in each picture?

Watch this video to help get you thinking about Earth day.


You will work in groups to answer the following questions through research and brainstorming:

         How can we keep our environment clean?

         How do humans impact the environment?

         Why is it important to keep the Earth clean?

You will share your research findings with the class in a 4-6 minute presentation. 

Your group will choose one of two final products to create. You will use the final product to educate the community about Earth Day.

                    Flyer for the community paper

                    Poster to hang in the school

Your group will be assigned a day to do the daily announcements. You will be responsible for telling the school a little about Earth Day and how to reduce, reuse, or recycle.

On Earth Day, we will work as a class to clean the hallways and school playground.


Your group will complete 10 tasks in the WebQuest. Some of the tasks are used as "check ins" to help keep your group on track. You may not work ahead unless given permission.

The ENTIRE WebQuest is collaborative. This means EVERY group member has equal input on all parts.

1) You will be randomly be put into groups. Be happy with your group members!

2) Your group will research information that will help you answer the 3 big Earth Day questions. Each group will receive a research guide and checklist.

3) Once your group has completed the research, submit your handout and checklist for review. I will review your work, and meet with each group for a brief discussion. After our discussion, you may continue onto the next step.

4)  Using the information you found in your research, organize your findings using one of the following formats. You will use the format to present your information to the class.

                       Concept Map

                       Bulleted Points

                       Index Cards

                       Paragraph Form

5) Submit your thought organization and checklist for review. I will review your work and meet with your group to discuss your ideas.

6) You will present to the class. Be prepared to address the 3 Earth Day questions.

7) After all groups have presented, your group needs to choose which final product you want to create. Tell me which one is chosen.

8) Work on your final product. Submit for review once you are done. Make necessary changes.

9) Once your group has made changes and final adjustments, use the following to determine what to do next:

                 Poster: Post in designated posting areas

                 Flyer: Put into designated envelope (to be delivered to paper on Friday)

10) Work together to clean up the hallways and playground.

*Remember: Your group will be assigned to do daily announcements. Check the class calendar for your day.


You will be given a checklist to use as a guide to make sure you are staying on task and completing all necessary components. There will be "check ins" after each step in the WebQuest.

Earth Day Research and Checklist

How do humans impact the environment? List at least 5 ways.



How can we help keep the environment clean and protect it?



What do you find to be the worst impact humans have on the Earth? Why? Each group member must write their

own response and turn it in.


□ Group member names

□ Listed at least 5 impacts humans have on the environment

□ Ways to keep the environment clean and how to protect it

□ Worst human impact and why – each member must submit


When you have completed this stage,   review your work and check the appropriate boxes on this checklist. Once you   have done this, you may submit your research and checklist for teacher review.   If there is time left at the end of the block, you may read quietly.

You will only be scored on the final product. You will each receive a rubric, score, and comments/feedback. There will be an overall score assigned to the group (15 points total), as well as an individual score (10 points). The group score is given based on the final product. Individual scores are given based on participation throughout the WebQuest. Refer to the rubric for further breakdown of the group and individual points.

REMINDER: YOUR GROUP MUST WORK TOGETHER! If there are concerns, you need to talk to be before your group submits their final product.

Rubric for Final Product (Group)

Group Points: ____/15





Appearance of final product

Evident that time was not taken to complete, unorganized, not neat (messy), or incomplete

Time was taken to complete, thoughts organized, neat; Did not all requirements

Neat, well organized, evidence that time was taken for completion; Meets requirements

Information provided

Limited relevant information provided, Does not meet final product requirements

Only meets half of the requirements

Information included is not explained as required

All of the information requirements met


Evident that 1 person did all or most of the work

No more than 1 person had limited participation

Every member participated equally in the completion


Group Total:   ____/15


Rubric for Individual Participation in WebQuest

Individual Points: ____/10




Completion of individual response on research handout

Did not complete or submit

Completed with accuracy, addressed all points, submitted

Participation in research and brainstorming

Did not help group on any component

Provided appropriate research and brainstorming ideas

Thought organization

Did not help group organize thoughts

Helped organize thoughts by actively participating in the thought organizing process

Final product completion

Did not help group construct final product

Completed an equal amount of work as other group members

Final product presentation

Did not participate in presenting final product, or was off task during group presentation

Actively participated in group presentation, added relevant and on task input, Evident that you were a collaborative member of the group


Individual Total: ____/10


You have learned about the impacts humans have on the environment, and how to limit these impacts. You have a wealth of ideas about how to keep our planet clean.


As we wrap up Earth Day, keep the following questions in mind:

         Why is it important to inform people about Earth Day and keeping our environment clean?

          Does it really matter if I keep the environment clean?

          I will not be around in 100 years. Why does it matter if I help keep the environment clean now? Won't it be someone else's responsibility to clean up after me?

One last thought...