Festivals and Celebrations


Do you know any interesting or unusual festivals or traditions?

In the UK people have a few customs that might seem strange to us. One of them is The Cooper's Hill Cheese-Rolling Competition.

It is an annual event held on the Spring Bank Holiday at Cooper's Hill in England. It is now very famous and many people from different countries come ti Gloucester to take part int the competition, even though it is quite dangerous!

Have a look:


You've got three tasks about different festivals to complete.

First two - during the lesson, the third one - as your homework.

You are going to work in pairs or groups of three.

1) Your first task is to search for the information about different British festivals and complete the printed table.

No links are provided. You should use your research skills and use only reliable sources! You've got 15 minutes to complete this task. Your teacher will collect your completed tables.

2) You will learn about one of the British festivals. Your second task is to solve the quiz about this festival. You've got 15 minutes to complete this task.

3) Your third task is a project. You will work in the same groups of two or three. Your task is to choose a British or American festival from the list and prepare a presentation:

It should include the most important information about the chosen festival (Where and when does it take place? How is it celebrated? Where does this tradition come from?), some interesting or fun facts and photographs. It should last between 3 and 6 minutes. 

You will present it to the group on November 20th.


Task 1

No links are provided. You work independently and search for the information in the Internet. You have got 15 minutes to complete the table.

Task 2

Your task is to learn about Guy Fawkes Night and do the quiz.

You've got 15 minutes to complete this task.

Use the information and sources below.

Remember, remember the 5th of November.

The Gunpowder, Treason and Plot.

Guy Fawkes Night or Bonfire Night has been celebrated across the UK annually for four hundred years in a blaze of fireworks and huge bonfires. The date marks the failed attempt to blow up the Houses of Parliament by Guy Fawkes, or Guido Fawkes, and his thirteen conspirators in London in 1605.

The plan was to kill James I and his government and to restore the country back to Catholicism. But as the Gunpowder Plot was forged, it became clear to one of the conspirators that innocent people would be killed, including his friend, Lord Monteagle, who he warned anonymously to stay away on the 5th November. The news reached the King, and so the plot was foiled. Guy Fawkes, who was in the cellar of parliament with thirty-six barrels of gunpowder, was seized by guards, tortured and executed.

Life-sized effigies of Guy Fawkes called ‘Guys’ are made by children from old rags and newspaper. A few days before the 5th November, children wheel the Guy around asking for “A penny for the Guy” in order to buy it a mask for the occasion.

People organize their own parties, as well as attending bigger organized events. The effigies are burned on bonfires, fireworks light up the skies, and sparklers, mulled wine and sausages warm the revelers on this crisp November night.

You wil find more information here:






Task 3

Choose one of the following festivals and prepare a presentation for November 20th. Each group should choose a different festival. 

  • St Patrick's Day
  • St Valentine's Day
  • Christmas
  • New Year's Day
  • Easter
  • Halloween
  • Independence Day
  • Thanksgiving Day

Your presentation should be between 3 and 6 minutes long. It should include text, pictures and photographs. There should also be a list of references (links to webpages used while working on the project).

Remember to work together as a group! This means that all responsibilities are divided and shared equally among group participants and all group members speak during the presentation.


Evaluation of the presentation

Your project will be evaluated by the criteria listed below. 

Please make every effort to obtain maximum scores in each category. 


Work hard and have fun! :)


(1 point)


(2 points)

Very Good

(3 points)


(5 points)

Content Presentation lasts less than 3 minutes and does not include all information required. Presentation is between 3 and 6 minutes long but it does not include all information required. Presentation is well developed and long enough but does not include all the information required. Presentation is well developed, lasts between 3 and 6 minutes, is carefully planned out and includes all the information required.




Presentation was delivered but not planned well. Not all group members speak. Lots of language mistakes. Presentation was delivered but not planned well. All group members speak but not equally. Numerous spelling and grammar mistakes, but presentation is understandable. Presentation was well delivered and well planned. All group members speak but not equally. Small number of mistakes. Presentation was well delivered and well planned. All group members speak when presenting their responsibility equally. Almost faultless.


with others

Responsibilities were not divided equally with one or more members doing all of the work and one or more members doing no work. Responsibilities were divided unequally with one or more members doing most of the work and/or one or more members doing little work. All responsibilities were divided fairly among group participants but some groups member ideas were not respected. All responsibilities were divided and shared equally among group participants. Groups worked well together and all member ideas were respected.

Well done!

I hope you've learned a lot and had some fun working on your tasks.

And remember... Internet is great, but it's not enough.