Stone Fox WebQuest


Stone Fox Novel Study WebQuest



Navigate to the various websites to gain background knowledge before reading the novel Stone Fox

You will spending time learning about Wyoming, dogsledding, and the marvelous potato.  

Happy learning!

WebQuest Form (please highlight the form and print for your lapbook)


Name _________________________________

Facts About Wyoming

Quick Facts about Wyoming

Click the link under the heading

Find the most recent census on the population of

Wyoming: ___________________________

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Firsts for Wyoming

Click the link under the heading

Wyoming was the first state to have a _____________________________________.

Wyoming’s First National Monument:

Name ________________________________

Location ______________________________

Date _________________________________

Who made it a monument? _____________________________________.

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Wyoming for Kids

Click the link under the heading

Click “Things to Do” and select “Grand Teton National Park”.  Read the first five paragraphs.

Where are the Grand Tetons located?

In ____________________________ Wyoming

North of ______________________________

South of ______________________________

The Tetons rise ____________________ feet above sea level.

How did the floor of Jackson Hole form?


What is the most common animal member of the park?  ______________________________________

What activities can you enjoy in the Tetons?


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Watch the video about Jackson Hole, WY

Calculate the Distance from Crete, IL to Jackson, WY

Click the link and enter Crete, IL in the origin box and Jackson, WY in the destination box.  Scroll down past the map and locate the distance in miles and time in hours and minutes.

Miles from Crete to Jackson: ____________________

Time to travel:  _______________________________

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Dog Sledding 101

Experience the view from a dog sled

Watch the video

Dogsledding 101

Click the link under the heading.

You will play an interactive game by clicking on the pictures and reading the information.  Please follow the directions below carefully!

Click on the first dog.

Why do sled dogs prefer chilly weather? _______________


Click on the second dog in the back

Popular sled dogs include:





Click on the second dog in the front

Alaskan Malamutes and Siberian Huskies were used for

______________________ and ______________________.

Click on the sled.

A toboggan sled is good for ___________________.  A basket sled is best for ___________________.

Click on the bags.

The necessary equipment for sledding includes:





Click on the pants.

What do the following commands mean?

Hike: _________________________________________

Kissing sound: _________________________________

Gee: _________________________________________

Haw: _________________________________________

Easy: _________________________________________

Click on the coat.

Mushers have a hard time getting the dogs to ________


Click on the hat.

Why does the musher have to be the “leader of the pack”?




Potato Farming

Potato Fun Facts

Click on the link under the heading.

What is the potato capital of the world? ____________

In 1570, who brought the potato to Europe?


How many states grow potatoes? ________________

Spud Smarts (List 3 fun facts)




Potato Farming

Watch the video and list 3 things you learned about potato farming.





Facts about Wyoming

Quick Facts about Wyoming

Firsts for Wyoming

Wyoming for Kids

Visit Jackson, WY

Calculate the Distance From Crete, IL to Jackson, WY

Dog Sledding 101

Experience the view from a dog sled

Dogsledding 101…

Additional video and information about dogsledding

Potato Farming

Potato Fun Facts

Potato Farming


Congratulations!  You completed your webquest and are on your way to being ready to read Stone Fox.

Do not forget to turn in your webquest form and complete your lapbook.