SouthWest Asia Economies


 You are a potential investor in a business that produces (name a good). You have to decide which country either Israel, Saudi Arabia, or Turkey you would like your main plant to be stationed in. 


Create a proposal using textual evidence to support your decision to move your business into either Israel, Saudi Arabia, or Turkey based on your research. Create a PowerPoint in order to pitch your proposal to your financial board. Use GoogleDrive Presentation, SlideRocket, or Prezi to create your PowerPoint.


You must go through the process BEFORE you begin working on your presentation.
1. Using click on The World Fact Book.
2. Go to Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey and READ the summary of their economic system taking notes on a graphic organizer of your choice. 3. You may use any information found in order to discuss reasons that your company would want to move into each country and reasons they would not want to move as well.
4. Using the following website determine which country: Israel, Saudi Arabia, or Turkey is considered as having the most economic freedom.

5. Make a chart to show economic freedoms they have or do not have according to the Heritage Foundation(website above). 6. Using the ABOVE site answer the following questions:
1. How does oil effect the citizens within countries that have this coveted natural resource versus those countries that do not have oil?

    2. Will this be a determining factor in where in the Middle East you will place your plant?

 7.  According to the country you have chosen to place your plant in will the Organization of Petroleum Countries affect your ability to do business within the country you have chosen? Explain why or why not using textual evidence from the articles?Make sure to use the following websites in order to answer your question? Compare and Contrast the different articles.


DNM 0-5  Points


6-10 Points


11 – 15 Points

Teacher Comments

Economic Systems of Israel, SA, and Turkey have been discussed in the proposal. Student does not show a clear understanding.     Student describes the economic system, but did not connect the details to show a MIXED economy.      Student describes the economic systems and connects the details to show a MIXED economy.

Personal Freedoms have been discussed in the proposal for each country.

Student does not show a clear understanding of the personal freedoms or lack thereof in each country.      Student describes the personal freedoms within each country with a clear understanding of how this will benefit or hurt their business Student describes the personal freedoms within each country showing how they will benefit or hurt their business, and adds additional information from independent research.

Understanding how having oil can affect human capital and capital goods.

Student does not discuss this topic in their proposal for where they should place the plant and/or the connection is unclear. Student discusses how placing their plant within an oil rich nation would benefit his business. Student discusses how placing their plant within an oil rich nation would benefit his business, and relates it to the product he/she is producing.

PowerPoint Proposal: Which country would you choose to place a plant in?

Student did not choose a country and/or did not use evidence to support why he chose either Israel, Saudi Arabia, or Turkey Student chose either Israel, Saudi Arabi, or Turkey in order to place their plant.  They used supporting facts, but did not site textual evidence. Student chose either Israel, Saudi Arabia, or Turkey in order to place their plant.  They used supporting facts, and sited their evidence within the PowerPoint.

Congratulations on completing the Southwest Asia Economies WebQuest. 

Check your presentation using the rubric in the evaluation tab.
