The History of Nursing


Nursing is  one of the oldest  known profession with a distinct history. A unique way of learning nursing history is through the lens of Nurses service during a war. Studying nursing history allows nurses to understand more fully problems currently affecting the profession, such as pay, regulation, shortage, education, defining practice, autonomy, and unity. Present day nurses cannot effectively address these important issues without a foundation of historical knowledge. In short, examining history allows nurses to more fully appreciate their important role in the health care system of the United States. This appreciation can provide nurses with important political strength.


Create a poster presentaion that  depicts the history of nursing during the one of

the wars listed: Crimean war,  Civil War,  Spanish-American War,

  World War 1, World War II,   Korean War ,Vietnam War, Persian Gulf War




The message : One Key Concept

Write an abstract ( one page only) that is clear and precise about the nurse in chosen war. Do not over complicate. Keep to one main idea, question or topic. Often the more simple the message the more effective the poster. The poster should be understood at a glance. Additional details can be provided in abstract. The message can be delivered in the design of the poster, the color scheme, the font or the graphics.


The Design : Plan and Lay out Components and sub-divide components into "guiding boundaries for each area that will be presented

 Top Ten Tips for Successful Poster Presentation Design

1.Keep your title simple and short, and place it at the top and center of your poster.

2.Don’t overcrowd your poster with too much information.

3.Use eye-catching, tasteful color combinations.

4.Contrast is important.

5.Don’t use hard to read fonts (stand back and squint at it).

 6.Use bold fonts to make your headings stand out.

7.Use charts and graphs to display data or results.

8.Use images that help illustrate the messages in your poster.

9.Go with the flow (Let the flow of your poster follow an easily recognizable pattern).

10.Plan your poster so it’s easy to grasp the main points quickly

The Product

Create/Design a poster using white Tri-Fold Corrugate Display Board, 36" x 48"

Must contain a  Title/Author label and abstract,,

 Helpful Articles

Briggs DJ. A practical guide to designing posters for presentation. Nurs Stand. 2009;23(34):35-39.

Halligan P. Poster presentations: valuing all forms of evidence. Nurse Educ Pract. 2008;8:41-45.

Keely BR. Planning and creating effective scientific posters. J Contin Educ Nurs. 2004;35(4):182-185.

Moore LW, Augspurger P, King MO, Proffitt C. Insights on the poster presentation and presentation process. Appl Nurs Res. 2001;14(2):100-104.






Poster will be graded on

Poster Layout/Appearance (25%

Organization of Thoughts (25%)

Content: Understanding of Topic (25%)

Verbal Poster Presentation (25%)



DO start putting your poster together early. Get the title, acknowledgments, bibliography, and other standard items out or the way first, so you aren't stuck at the last minute with these particular details. Experiment with type fonts, sizes, colors, and all that stuff from the start, and begin to plan your layout. Buy your poster board, pushpins, etc. early. Pre-cut some poster board pieces. Make up any graphics that you know in advance are destined for your poster. DO this soon so you won’t have to jockey for printer time. Buy a can or spray mount (artist's adhesive) so you can dry mount all of the poster segments. The best kind to get is the type that allows you to reposition the artwork without damaging it.


DO be a good scout, and come prepared to your poster, armed with reprints of any of your own relevant papers that you might have, plus extra copies of any material you may wish to share.


DO get right to the heart of the matter, and remember the all-important KISS Principle: Keep It Simple Stupid! In clear, jargon-free terms. Your poster must explain 1) Nursing in the war you have selected 2) its significance (why should we care?) 3) How it affects the profession, such as pay, regulation, shortage, education, defining practice, autonomy, and unity



Group Poster Presentation will account for 50% of LPN 120