how to do a factor tree


a factor tree is 

  1. A factor tree is like a family tree, only instead of people, it has numbers. In this lesson, you'll review factors and prime numbers. You'll also learn what a factor tree is and see how it works to reveal any number's prime factorization.
  2. In other words, a factor tree is a tool that breaks down any number into its prime factors (more on the prime factors in a bit).

a factor tree is A special diagram where you find the factors of a number, then the factors of those numbers, etc until you can't factor any more.

The result is all the prime factors of the original number.

Here we see the factor tree of 48 which reveals that 48 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 3


1. first you use the number and think about what two numbers multiplied equals that number.

2. next you need to see if those two numbers can be multiplied by another two numbers.

3. then you keep going until you cant anymore.


you will be evaluated by how many you get correct.


Once you have learned this you will master on how to do factor trees and you won't get any trouble if you learn and practhce this.