British vs. Irish


The project is dedicated to cultural and language differences between these two countries. It also is to link feasts, tradition, history and literature of the nations.

The project will be introduced in junior high school and must be prepared in pairs (or groups of three)


The task is to present the differences in the form of a presentation (power point), including pictures, information, recordings and/or movies. 

The project must be prepared without any offensive or abusing materials connected with age, gender, raceo or economical status.

The project must be done by students only. 


Students are to develop their skills in searching for the materials, selecting the most important ones and creating an interesting presentation about cultural differences between Great Britain and Ireland.

The project must be prepared in Power Point presentation and must include pictures, recordings and other (like fragments of movies). Students are free to choose what they are interested in (either history or/and literature). The presentation must be prepared in at least 30 slides.


Teacher evaluates what material is the most significant, to what extent students are involved in presentation and also, the scale of difficulty of the material selected as well as the esthetics of the presentation.

The project will assessed according to the scale of grades from 1-6. The date of handing in the project is sharp.


Each group (pairs) is to be evaluated individually. The teacher has the right to assess the project by her own classification. Students will be graded from 1-6 (as standard grades), the mark is significant for the end of the semester evaluation.


Teacher is to prepare the list of websites to be used in the project. She can also assist in choosing important materials, she can give instructions and necessary advice.