Kingdom Keepers IV: Power Play Questions


Chapter 1 - 2

Chapter 1

Do Amanda and Jess go to the same school?

What did Greg Luowski do to Charlene? What did he make her drop?

Who designed the roller coasters?

What happened on the virtual roller coaster?

What Overtakers did they see at Disney Quest?

What odd thing did they see Cruella de Vile do?

How did Wayne get a hold of Philby?

As you read the book, think about if you think Finn is being an effective leader or letting others lead instead?

When was the last time the Keepers saw Wayne?  

Who helped distract the teacher so he could talk to Wayne?

What did Wayne tell him?

What do they realize about their wifi at home?

Chapter 2

Where does Charlene go?

What was odd about Charlene?

How had Finn's relationship changed with his mom since the previous books?

Who do they visit? 

Is there a delay in bailing her out of jail?

What did she do? 

What was the Overtakers plan? 

What happened at Stave Church in Norway?

What did they do in Epcot?

What clues did they find and what did it mean?

What did a cast member hand Finn when he finished? Was he supposed to show them to others?

What were the pictures of that Finn put in his pocket?

Where did they go to talk?

How do they decide to break the spell on Charlene?

Who tries? Did it work?

Who crossed over? Was it planned?

Who went to rescue her?

Where did Charlene hide?What OTS came after?

Who kissed her? Did it work? Why?

What was Charlene staring into when she lost track of time?



Chapter 3 - 4

Chapter 3

What changed about Luowski? What did he discover about Luowski that disturbed him? What did Dillard yell to save his friend? 

Chapter 4

What happened when Elvis the cat fell asleep on Philby's laptop?

Who crossed Willa over?

Who did she run into there?

What did he declare everyone was?

What did he want to know? What will he do if Willa doesn't tell him?

What did she realize she needed to do (hint Philby taught her to do this)?

How did she escape?

Who rescued her?

How did she survive underwater? 

What did Ariel call Willa and Charlene?

What is a hobby of mermaids? Why?


Chapter 5 - 6

Chapter 5

What happened when Finn went to the website?

Why didn't he tell what he saw? What was the problem with that plan?

What did Jess draw?

How does Charlene convince her mom to let her go to Finn's school?

Why does Charlene go to Finn's school?

Chapter 6

Who came to talk to Finn at school? What did she tell him? What did she threaten?

What did Finn do?

What happened when Philby went to check if Willa crossover?

Where did they meet? 

What was Wayne's warning during the Kim Possible quest?

How did Arial help her leave?

Where is Eric?

What did she say about aging 

What does the little girl say? What Does this make Willa think about?


Chapter 7

How did the boys enter the parks? 

What Overtakers did they encounter?

Where did they go to access base?

What are their jobs?

What problems did they encounter? 

What music did Willa hear? What effect did it have? 

What did Willa tell the children about the guards? Did it work?

What where had they left the fob? Was it there?

Where did she go next?

How did Philby and Finn sneak into base after they made it through the garbage system?

What did Philby do to get access to the DHI server again? 

Why couldn't Philby spend the night?

Where did Philby discover Willa was? What about the fob?

What does Willa realize when she goes to the Lost and Found? What does she do? Does it help or make things worse?

What was the plan to rescue Willa?

Who does Willa see? Who is it really?

What does the Evil Queen do? 

Who came to rescue her? What attacked them?

What did Philby notice about Huego? What did he have to do?

What did Philby notice? What happened?

What happened when they woke up?

Chapter 8

What did they discover about what the Evil Queen and Cruella de Vile were up to now?  

What is the plan?

What do they do with their cell phones?

Why can't Willa crossover?

Why is returning more complicated without the fob?

What did Finn forget?

What happened in the bathroom (be sure to mention the mirror in your answer)? 

What did Finn do when they arrived at Mrs. Nash's house? Did Jess try to stop it? What happened?

Who was supposed to end up in Sleeping Beauty Syndrome?

What did Philby discover about the Overtakers when monitoring the DHI server?

What can the Overtakers do that the Keepers can't as DHIs?

Who do they think the friend that turns their back is? 

How do they plan to break the curse?


Chapter 9

Who hid their cell phones throughout the park? How did he feel about doing this? 

Who visited Wanda? 

Who surprised them? How did this help the group? 

How did Wanda help them? What did she tell them? 

How did Maybeck create a diversion?

Did the spindle go easily?

Who stopped them? What did he want?

How did Charlene create a diversion?

What Overtaker did Finn encounter? What did he call Finn? What does he think the Keepers are?

What does Finn do? 

Who grabbed the spindle?

Who waited for them in a canoe?

Chapter 10

Who did they have to avoid? 

What does Jess have to do with the spindles? Did it work?

Does Mrs Nash know Jess is in Sleeping Beauty Syndrome?

What is the new plan?

What else do the Overtakers have planned? 

Who came to help?

How did Jeannie help?

What type of dog is Pluto? What's his special skill?

What Overtaker comes? What happens to him?

Who else helped them? 


Chapter 11

Where do Maybeck and Charlene wake up that night?

What are they supposed to do?

What did he hear that disturbed him? 

How did Finn feel about the parks?

What do they do to attempt to break off a splinter from the wooden wheel? 

How does Finn break the wheel? When will they know if they succeeded?

What does Philby compare himself to?

What attacks them? 

What happened on this island previously? 

Why are the Overtakers protecting this island? 

Why do Maybeck and Charlene think security has not started chasing them?

What had the Evil Queen done to a security guard?

What was the strategy?

Why was Philby's mom mad? What predicament did this leave the Keepers in? What did he think?

What do Maybeck and Charlene do at the power plant? What happened?

How does Philby try to get computer access back? What does not work? What works?

Who was with the Overtakers?

What did Charlene take?

What did Jess draw?

What did Maybeck want Charlene to do? Why didn't she want to do it? 

What did Finn discover? What worries him? What does he learn?

What does Philby find outside? How does he handle it?

What do they tell his dad the problem was?

What do Finn and Amanda see? What do they do?

What made Charlene push the button?

What problem did Finn and Amanda encounter? How did they get out of it?

How did Finn and Amanda escape the island?

Teacher Page

Chapter 12 - 13

Chapter 12

Who was sitting by Finn's bed when he woke up in the morning?

Did Finn consider the night before a success? What was he happy about?

What did they think the Lvertakers plan was? What clue helped them.

Where do they think the prison was? 

How did Finn believe the Overtakers were going to break out of prison?

Who drove Finn to see Wanda? What did he tell her? What did he insist? What surprised Wanda? 

What was Finn's mom concern when he told her he was going with Wanda?

What was the place Wayne was living originally used? Was he allowed to tell anybout it? Why was Wayne there?

Where did Finn have Wayne take him?

What request does Finn make? Did he did it?

What was on Wayne's wrist?

How do Maleficent and Chernabog plan to escape? Do they escape?

Chapter 13

Who is at the latest Keeper meeting?

What does she say they need? Who is she referring to? 

What happened to Mickie and Minnie's house?

Who knows?

What happens to the Overtaker Kids?

What are the Overtakers doing?

What would the Keepers be wise to do?

What did Jess draw?

Who hid the fob?