Arrays and Multiplication


Arrays present one method of solving multiplication and division problems.  They enable you to see how a fact or more complicated equation can be decomposed to make it easier to solve.  This webquest has been designed to help you and your classmates develop an understanding of arrays, use them to develop fluency with facts, and possibly extend your understanding to include multiplication of larger numbers.  You will follow certain links to various sites to promote this understanding and in the end to you will help create a class book similar to One Hundred Hungry Ants.


You have been tasked, as a class, in writing the sequel to One-Hundred Hungry Ants. The book will have three chapters. Each of you will contribute at least one page of the book.  

Chapter 1:  Using Arrays to Solve Multiplication Facts

Chapter 2:  Using Arrays and Known Facts to Solve Multiplication Facts

Chapter 3:  Using Arrays and Partial Products to Solve Multiplication Problems


Group 1:  You have been assigned to Chapter 1.  

Step 1:  Watch the video clip about Arrays on BrainpopJr by following this link.  Complete the Activity.  Print it and place it in the finished work box.

Step 2:  Mini-Lesson with Teacher

Step 3:Play the game Circles and Stars. Link this to the directions.

Step 4:  Create ALL the arrays for a number.

1.  Choose one of the following numbers- 18, 24, 36, 48

2.  Use cubes to create all the arrays.  Check your work with a peer.

3.  Use Kidpix to create a page for our class book.  

Your page needs to have:

     *  Title

     *  All the arrays for your number.  Each array needs to be clearly labeled using repeated addition, multiplication and             words (___ groups of ____ is equal to _________).

*  The book we read together was titled One-Hundred Hungry Ants.  The title for your page should follow the same format but will reflect a different number and may use different animals or objects.  If you need ideas, check the chart where we brainstormed different ideas as a class.

Group 2:  You will work with multiplication math facts up through your 12s facts.  You will work on using breaking apart arrays to use known or easy to get to facts to solvemore challenging facts.

Step 1:  Watch the instructional video about breaking arrays into smaller parts to solve multiplication facts.…

Step 2:  Play Arrays with the larger number set. Use the recording sheet to show how you broke the fact apart.

Step 3:  Mini-Lesson with teacher

Step 4:  Choose 4 facts from your pile of facts you have not mastered.  Use Kipix to create a page for our class book.  Your page should include an array for each fact and indicate how it could best be broken apart to make the fact easier to solve.  This should be shown using both pictures and numbers.

*  The book we read together was titled One-Hundred Hungry Ants.  The title for your page should follow the same format but will reflect a different number and may use different animals or objects.  If you need ideas, check the chart where we brainstormed different ideas as a class.

Group 3:  You have been assigned Chapter 3.  You will work with two digit numbers and arrays.  First, you will explore different ways to break numbers apart.  Then you will focus on using the base-ten system to solve problems using the area model of multiplication.

Step 1:  Explore breaking apart larger arrays.  Think about how you are breaking them apart and think about how to 

Step 2: Mini-Lesson with teacher.

Step 3:  Watch the instructional video.

Step 4:  Play Two-Digit Connect Four

Step 5:  Create a page for our class book.  Your page needs to show a solution to a two-digit by two-digit multiplication problem.  It MUST include use of an array and the open box method.  Partial products should be written as full equations. 

*  The book we read together was titled One-Hundred Hungry Ants.  The title for your page should follow the same format but will reflect a different number and may use different animals or objects.  If you need ideas, check the chart where we brainstormed different ideas as a class.


Group 1:

Group 2:

Group 3: