Brian's Winter


Welcome: Can you survive the Canadian Wilderness? 

Description: In this webquest, you will embark on a journey through the Canadian wilderness testing you survival skills.


Brian Robeson, a thirteen year old boy traveling in a small airplane to Canada to spend the summer with his father, is involved in a plane crash in an uninhabited part of the Canadian woods after the pilot dies of a heart attack.  Brian then must find a way to survive and in the process, discovers much about himself.  Do you think you could survive in the Canadian wilderness?

take the following quiz and print your results:





You are about to embark on a journey across Canada.  You will be assigned to a group where you will be an "expert" in a certain field.  You will be dropped off in the wilderness and be expected to survive the full two weeks.  In order to successfully complete your mission, you will be assigned a role in your group.


The explorer is responsible for Canadian geography and winter weather


The wildlife explorer is responsible for research on Canadian wildlife and plant life


The survival specialist is responsible for researching survival skills in the wilderness and shelter


The reporter is responsible for interviewing the author of Brian’s Winter and finding out important and interesting facts.



  Find  information on Canada  


Info on Canada-Find out the following information about Canada.

                          1) print a map on Canada

                              2) Find out at least  facts of Canada

                           3)  what are the winters like in Canada

(extra) Read the Canadian National Anthem

          list how it is similiar & different than America's


Wildlife Explorer

Print an animal picture and a plant picture

   Choose an animal

          take notes,

Berries You Can Eat

1.  What are  types of wild berries that are okay to eat?

Berries to Avoid

1.  What are 3 types of wild berries that you should avoid?

2.  Can you describe each type so that you know what to watch out for? You can even do a Google search to find pictures for your field journal.

Survival Specialist:

print an item needed for survival and a shelter

Rules of Survival or Survival Tips : Find 5 Rules of Survival to live by.

How to Build a Fire: Write out the steps to build a fire.

Kid's Kit: What are the essentials? How do you treat a bite?

 How to Use a Compass: Write the steps to using a compass. Draw a compass on white construction paper.




   Read about the author, Gary Paulsen.  Record important details for your group.

Print a picture of Gary Paulsen and one other important fact of his life.



         Brian's Return



1 point

minimal effort

2 point

average effort

3 point

good effort


Total points __________________



After collaborating with one another about your research, each person will work with their group to make a poster with all their information presented and make a presentation to the class.

Make sure each group member places their name on the section they are responsible for.