Rainforest Research


The rainforests around the world are some of the most beautiful and important biomes that we have on Earth.  It is home to countless plant and animal species.  The rainforests are extremely important to everyone including us in Hannibal, New York.  There is a problem though, for a variety of reasons, the rainforests are dissapearing at an alarming rate.  It is up to you to save them!  


The committee in charge of saving the rainforest has hired you to create a brochure showing off the beauty and importance of the rainforest.  This brochure is designed to convince large companies that are trying to destroy the rainforest to leave it in its beautiful state.  Good luck!


Stage 1: You need to do the research to find the information that has to go in your brochure.  Your teacher will give you the questions that you need to research.  This research is going to be done during designated points your teacher allows and on your own time.  Research has to be done completely before you can start your brochure.

Stage 2: