Social Studies Map activity


Maps are more than just visual representations of the land. They provide us with information about what life was and is like in the world. Historians use maps to help them better understand how people have divided the land throughout the years, and the use maps to come to conclusions about the decisions people make. Maps are very cool, indeed!


Today you will examine several maps of North America. These maps will be from different eras (if you don't know what the world "era" means, use google and find a definition). After you examine the maps, you will answer several questions about those maps in the "Process" section of this webquest.


With a partner, highlight the following link and paste it into your internet browser.

Examine maps 3 -7, 9 - 11. 

1. What is the map showing you?

2. What people are represented by your map?

3. What can you learn about our country today from looking at this map?

4. What questions do you have about each map? 

Once you complete this section, go on to the "Conclusion" section.


Before you finish, answer the following question: 

What was your favorite map to look at? Why was it your favorite map? What did you learn from the map?