The Crucible Webquest


Arthur Miller's The Crucible is a play that depicts the events of the Salem Witch Trials in Salem, Massachusetts, in 1692. The events that unfold center around girls who become unexplainably ill after it is found out they dabbled in witchcraft in the woods with the minister's slave, Tituba. Mass hysteria ensues when the girls began to blame others for their illness leading to the trials and people being arrested and hung because of the accusations from these young girls.  Arthur Miller drew a parallel in The Crucible between the hysteria surrounding the witchcraft trials in Puritan New England and the postwar climate of McCarthyism. 





All groups will be researching one concept relating to the play, The Crucible.  The topics include:

  • The Puritans
  • The Salem Witch Trials
  • The Protestant Reformation
  • Religion
  • Arthur Miller
  • McCarthyism


  • All members of the group must take an active role in the project.  This includes the research, the presentation, and the delivery.
  • You must answer all of the questions for your assignment
  • Presentations should be approximately five minutes in length.
  • Your presentation will be graded on the following: Content, Organization, Creativity, and Delivery.
  • While other groups are presenting, you will be taking notes. Pay very close attention because there will be a quiz!!

Presentation Suggestions

  • Power Point
  • Laptop Activity
  • Video (Newscast, TV commercial, Public Service Announcement, Interview)
  • Poster with graphics and written information
  • Newspaper or magazine article
  • Brochure

Category 1- Puritan Life

1. Who were the Puritans?

2. How did the Puritans view the Bible?

3. Where did the Puritans settle after leaving England?

4. What would happen to people if they opposed the Puritan's theological views?

5. What is conversion?

6. What is Predestination?

7. What would happen if one deviated from normal way of Puritan life?

8. Who held political office?

9. What did the Puritans believe about the devil and how did it influence their life?

10. What are the three English diversions that were banned in New England? 

11. What were the Puritans encouraged to read and write?

12. Why was education important to the Puritans?


Category 2 - Arthur Miller

         -For the second article, you may skip to down to the section that starts with "paranoia breeds paranoia" and skim from that point to the end of the article for the answer to #7.     


  1. How did the Wall Street Crash of 1929 impact Miller's family?
  2. What university did he attend? 
  3. How did he earn money to go to school?
  4. When did he start writing?
  5. What awards has he won for his works? Be sure to name the two works and all of the awards he won for those works.  
  6. What famous actress was he married to?
  7. What inspired him to write The Crucible

Category 3- McCarthyism

  1. What fear dominated American society in the 1940s and 50s?
  2. Who is Joseph McCarthy?
  3. What is McCarthyism?
  4. What did Joseph McCarthy do that caused mass hysteria?
  5. What was the House of UnAmerican Activities Committee?
  6. What were at least three of the consequences should a person be found guilty of communism?
  7. What happened to Senator McCarthy as a result of his accusations
  8. What was Arthur Miller’s involvement with McCarthyism?
  9. In May 1957, what was Miller found guilty of?
  10. Name at least two other people in Hollywood affected by McCarthyism.
  11. CLICK HERE to watch the McCarthy Rap. In 1-2 sentences, what stood out to you about the McCarthyism time period and what was its impact on American history?

Category 4-Salem Witch Trials


  1. What were some beliefs about witchcraft and witches people held in the past?

  2. What were the Salem witchcraft trials?

  3. What are some possible explanations for the Salem witchcraft trials?

  4. What options did an accused witch have in Salem?

  5. How quickly did things get out of hand in Salem?

  6. How long did the Salem witchcraft trials go on for?

  7. What sort of evidence was used to arrest accused witches?

  8. Do "witch hunts" still happen?

Can you think of anything else that has happened in this country that would also be considered a "witch hunt"?

Category 5 - The Protestant Reformation

1.     What was the Protestant Reformation?

        2.     Outline the causes of the Protestant Reformation

        3.     Describe the spread of Protestantism.

        4.    List and describe several consequences of the Protestant Reformation.

        5.    Identify the following figures and give a brief description of their role in the Reformation:

  • Martin Luther
  • John Calvin
  • John Wycliffe
  • John Hus
  • William Tyndale
  • Henry VIII of England

Which person listed above had a direct influence on the Puritans? In what way? Explain.


Category 6 - The Ten Commandments

1.    Define the meaning of Covenant and describe its role in religious context.

2.    What are the Ten Commandments? Describe in detail.

3.    List the Commandments and describe their role in various world religions (Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Buddhism…)

4.    What is meant by the Sabbath Day? Give interpretations from various world religions.

5.    Predict how these concepts will have a bearing on The Crucible.

6.    Google Old Time Religion. This is a song. Read or listen to the lyrics. What is its theme? Does this have any influence on the play we are about to read (Prediction)? Why or why not?


Student Name:__________________________________    Topic: __________________________






Eye Contact


Holds attention of entire

audience with the use of

direct eye contact, seldom

looking at notes.

Consistent use of direct eye

contact with audience, but

still returns to notes.

Displayed minimal eye

contact with audience, while

reading mostly from the


No eye contact with

audience, as entire report is

read from notes.

Poise/Body Language



Student displays relaxed,

self-confident nature about

self, with no mistakes.

Makes minor mistakes, but

quickly recovers from them;

displays little or no tension.

Displays mild tension; has

trouble recovering from


Tension and nervousness is

obvious; has trouble

recovering from mistakes.

Speech/Voice Level


Student uses a clear voice

and correct, precise

pronunciation of terms so

that all audience members

can hear presentation.

Student’s voice is clear.

Student pronounces most

words correctly. Most

audience members can hear


Student’s voice is low.

Student incorrectly

pronounces terms. Audience

members have difficulty

hearing presentation.

Student mumbles, incorrectly

pronounces terms, and

speaks too quietly for a

majority of students to hear

Content Knowledge


Student demonstrates full

knowledge by answering all

class questions with

explanations and elaboration.

Student is at ease with

expected answers to all

questions, without


Student is uncomfortable

with information and is able

to answer only rudimentary


Student does not have grasp

of information; student

cannot answer questions

about subject.

______/ 70

______/10 X 2 = 20    Presentation/PPT is well organized and aesthetically pleasing

______/ 10                  Group Evaluation                                                                              

________ Final Grade