DashaunTaylor South East Asia Webquest


Southeast  Asia

 consists of eleven countries that reach from eastern India to China,  

and is generally divided into mainland and island zones. the mainland (Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia And Vietnam) is an Actually an extension  of the Asian  Continent . Muslims  Can be found  in all mainland countries, but the most significant populations are in southern Thailand and western Burma (arakan,  The Cham people of central Veitnam  And Cambodia  and are also Muslims 



Southeast Asia is a vast, diverse, and complex region full of conflicting trends and differing perspectives. The region’s strategic importance makes it imperative that the United States engage with Southeast Asia in a reliable and consistent manner—especially now, given the decline of U.S. influence in the region over the past four years. On February 2, a Southeast Asia Task Force assembled by The Asia Foundation released a noteworthy report, Urgent Issues in U.S.–Southeast Asia Relations for 2021. The report attempts to identify for the new Biden administration and Congress the greatest challenges and opportunities for U.S. relations with Southeast Asia in the coming 12 to 18 months.


Southeast Asia is the geographical south-eastern region of Asia, consisting of the regions that are situated south of China, east of the Indian subcontinent, and north-west of mainland Australia which is part of Oceania. Southeast Asia is bordered to the north by East Asia, to the west by South Asia and the Bay of Bengal, to the east by Oceania and the Pacific Ocean, and to the south by Australia and the Indian Ocean. Apart from the British Indian Ocean Territory and two out of 26 atolls of Maldives in South Asia, Maritime Southeast Asia is the only other subregion of Asia that lies partly within the Southern Hemisphere. Mainland Southeast Asia is entirely in the Northern Hemisphere. East Timor and the southern portion of Indonesia are the parts of Southeast Asia that lie south of the Equator.


A regional learning assessment program for primary education called Southeast Asia Primary Learning Metrics (SEA-PLM)

A critical analysis of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and its achievements and challenges

A geographical, historical and cultural overview of the Southeast Asian region and its diversity

A systematic and impartial assessment of the World Health Organization (WHO) activities, projects, programmes, strategies, policies, topics, themes, sectors, operational areas or institutional performance in the South-East Asia Region


The basic structures of Southeast Asian societies have been shaped by the civilizing influences of India and China even though the predominant relig­ion of Indonesia and Malaysia is Islam. But the present political and economic geogra­phy of this vast area is a product of the European colonial rule of the 19th and 20th.