Fairy Tales vs. Fables


We have all heard stories about princesses, goblins, elves, and many more interesting characters. We've also heard stories about  "Cinderella, " The True Story of The Three Little Pigs" and "Thumbelina". So what are the differences in these stories anyway? What makes a story a fairy tale? What makes a story a fable?

This, my cadets, is what you are going to find out!


By looking at a few definitions and examples of stories, we will determine which stories are fairy tales and which are fables. We'll compare and contrast the different features in the story such as characters, and setting. After we place stories into fairy tale or fable groups, you will write your own fable or fairy tale and tell me why it is one or the other.


TASK #1: Tell me about fables and fairy tales!

What is a fable?

Visit the following websites to learn more about fables:

What is a fairy tale?

Visit the following websites to learn more about fairy tales:

TASK #2 - Check out these clips, then compare & contrast!

    PART I  watch these videos!

Video #1 - Is this a fable or a fairy tale? How do you know?

www.youtube.com The Lion and The Mouse

Video #2 - Is this a fable or a fairy tale? How do you know?

www.youtube.com Thumbelina

   PART II compare & contrast!

Click on the link below the instructions and fill out the online compare and contrast chart. Instructions:

  1. Fill out your first name and last initial.
  2. Item 1 = The Lion and the Mouse
  3. Item 2 = Thumbelina
  4. Check the "Similarities-to-Differences" box.
  5. For the Introduction, write how based on what you know about fables and fairy tales, you will compare and contrast the two videos to determine which is a fable, and which is a fairy tale.
  6. Follow the on-screen instructions for the rest of the compare & contrast map.
  7. In the Conclusion box, make sure to say which video story is the fable and which is the fairy tale.
  8. Click "Save" when you are finished. This page will be turned in at the end of the lesson.

***Compare & Contrast Online Map***

TASK #3: Read these stories, then compare & contrast!

Story #1Rumplestiltskin 

Story #2 - The Ant and the Dove

Compare and Contrast: ***Compare & Contrast Online Map***

  1. Fill out your first name and last initial.
  2. Item 1 = Rumplestiltskin
  3. Item 2 = The Ant and the Dove
  4. Check the "Similarities-to-Differences" box.
  5. For the Introduction, write how based on what you know about fables and fairy tales, you will compare and contrast the two stories to determine which is a fable, and which is a fairy tale.
  6. Follow the on-screen instructions for the rest of the compare & contrast map.
  7. In the Conclusion box, make sure to say which video story is the fable and which is the fairy tale.
  8. Click "Save" when you are finished. This page will be turned in at the end of the lesson.

Here is a resource on how to write fables:

Here are a Slideshow: How to Write a Fable

Here is a  resource on how to write fairy tales

Website: How to Write a Fairy Tale

Are you ready to write your story?!


  1. Write your fable or fairy tale.
  2. Search for an image or picture or upload an original illustration. Make sure the image relates to your story.
  3. When you are done writing, give your story a label. If it is a fairy tale, label it "fairy tale"; if it is a fable, label it "fable".

This is the RUBRIC I will be using to grade your stories. It says "fairy tale", but the same rules apply to fables... just switch the word "fairy tale" with "fable".



You have now mastered standard:

3.RL.2.2: Retell folktales, fables and tall tales from diverse cultures; identify the themes in these works.

Show me one final time that you know your stuff!



Now, say it loud and say it proud:
I CAN determine if a story is a fairy tale or fable based on the different characteristics of the story!



Compare Contrast Map via ReadWriteThink (C)2010 IRA/NCTE:http://www.readwritethink.org/files/resources/interactives/compcontrast/map.html

Exit Ticket Quiz created by (myself) via SurveyMonkey (C)1999-2014 SurveyMonkey:https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/KRYSMR9

Fairy Tale Story Elements video by juliec2468 via YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2OqUKggMOg

How to Write a Fable video by Emily Harmon via YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQrfC54ygG0

How to Write a Fairy Tale by an eHow Contributor via eHow (C)1999-2014 DemandMedia, Inc.: http://www.ehow.com/how_2085331_write-fairy-tale.html

How to Write a Fairy Tale by Tolovaj via Squidoo, (C)2014 Squidoo, LLC and respected copyright owners: http://www.squidoo.com/how-to-write-a-fairy-tale

Merriam-Webster's Word Central Dictionary (C)2007 Merriam-Webster, Incorporated: http://wordcentral.com/

ReadWriteThink Webbing Tool via rwtinteractives.ncte.org, (C)2004 Verizon Foundation: http://rwtinteractives.ncte.org/view_interactive.aspx?id=127

Rumpelstiltskin story via FairyTales.co: http://www.fairytales.co/rumpelstiltskin.html

The Ant and the Dove story by Ms. Haak via SanJuan.edu, (C)2014 San Juan USD:http://www.sanjuan.edu/webpages/rhaak/files/the%20ant%20and%20the%20dove.pdf
Ms. Haak's Homepage: http://www.sanjuan.edu/webpages/rhaak/index.cfm

The Lion and the Mouse video by HooplaKidz via YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5eh2NU0mjrc#aid=P-U2djnyBAU

Thumbelina video by Just_pady via YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q4Po-4On3YQ

What is a Fairy Tale? by WhoWhatWhenWhere, (C)2014 HubPages Inc: http://whowhatwherewhen.hubpages.com/hub/What-is-a-Fairy-Tale

*** If a (C) copyright has not been listed above it is assumed that the original content/material has been published by the original creator via any and all medium listed and the original creator has a (C)All Rights Reserved.

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