

My lessons will focus on teaching the concept of measurement to a class of year three students. My processes will include hands on activities and creative games. This topic will work through the mathematical language stages of teaching to ensure children are developing the correct mathematical vocabulary along with the essential measurement concepts. The concept of length will all be addressed as children work through comparisons, estimations and measurements to develop their knowledge about what measurement means for different attributes.



Welcome to your Measurement WebQuest. We are going to have a lot of fun learning new things, playing games and exploring the internet.  So get your thinking hats on and your measuring tools ready.

Measurement, Length, Rulers...Here We Come!!!


**Welcome to Measurement!**

In the next few lessons you will be learning about what is measurement and how to measure different shapes and objects:

  • You will be working individually and in groups to make different measurements of different objects and recording your results. 

It will be great fun as you work through worksheets on and off the computer and learn how to use a ruler. How Exciting!

You will begin by looking at how to measure, what you use and how your record it.  Then you will use this skill to measure objects in the classroom.  After this you will be able to create and use your VERY OWN RULER!

Don't worry - there is plenty of help for you along the way. Let's begin!




What are we talking about when we mention length? Is it the shape of an object? The name of the object? Or is it have to do with how LONG the object may be.

Let's find out...

When we are talking about length we are referring to the distance from one point to another.

You could think of it from the START point to the FINISH point!

Click on the below links for some examples

Example No. 1                Example No. 2               Example No. 3 

Remember in the last lesson we made some measurements using our pencils??

In this lesson we will be measuring the length of objects using different tools of measurement other than your pencils.

Have a look at the below video to see how this teacher is measuring the length of a table using some small bean bags. Notice which part of the desk she is measuring... I'll give you a hint (ITS THE LENGTH)...


1. For this activity you will need to be in a group of 4.

Please find your group now!

2. In the video you would have just watched the teacher uses some small bean bags or tag bags to measure the length of the desk. For this activity you will need to choose an object that you would like to use to make some measurements. 

Do this now...


3. What did you choose? A pencil, your pencil case, a glue stick? Check with your teacher to see if the tool you have chosen will work for this activity?

Do this now!

4. Now that we have our tools we need to do some measuring, like the teacher did in the video.  Let's look at some things we could measure...

    • The Length of the Board 
    • The Length of your Teacher
    • The Length of your Desk
    • The Length of the Computer Screen
    • The Length of the Doorway

Remember you are measuring the length of these objects. If you cant remember what length means please go back to the examples at the beginning. 



1. In your groups you need to choose two of the above lengths mentioned and measure them using the tool you and your group chose. 

2. You will find a worksheet below that you and your group will need to print out and complete to later on share with the rest of your class members. 


Do this now... 


How did you go? I hope you had fun in this lesson and because you worked so hard there is a link below for you to watch and enjoy that explores length with Sid the Science Kid!




1. Lets start with a game everyone to get our minds thinking about Measurement...


How exciting, it is now time for us to do some very important measurements using... A RULER!

Most of you would have heard or even seen or used a ruler before, if you haven't that's okay because we are all going to work on this together and have heaps of fun!

2. We need to find ourselves some rulers so we can experiment with them. Click below to find your rulers online and print out a copy so that you can cut it out for the activities to come. You will need to cut out the ruler that has the most lines on it.


Do this now!

You should all have your rulers by now...

Are you ready to play with your rulers? Lets do that now...

3. Below you will find four different pictures in the links below. It is your job to enter these links and measure the picture inside. We are not going to use the lines and numbers on our rulers yet because I want you to practise just measuring length first, so on your rulers just place a coloured line on where the length of the objects finish.

Let's Begin... Good Luck


Picture One            Picture Two            Picture Three            Picture Four 


How did you go?

4. How about you take some time now to visit some of your friends and see how they did. Did they get the same answers as you?

Go see them now and check where their coloured lines are on their rulers...

Great Job Everyone!!




Welcome Back!

1. You will need to find a partner to work with in the first part of this activity.

Do this now!

2. Now it is time to look more closely at our rulers and how we will be using the numbers and lines on them to make our measurements. This website has a alot of words so work with your partner to make sense of all the instructions.

HINT: Use your own rulers from last lesson to help you make sense of the website 

Click below...



Just a few questions now to review on your learning. Too Easy!

Did you like using the ruler? YES  NO 

Was it hard to use? YES   NO 

Do you understand what a centimeter is? YES  NO

Now it is time for some fun... with FUNBRAIN! Click below and it will take you straight to a great game and remember click the easy choice for now, we will try some harder stuff later.

Maybe have 5 or 6 games before returning to our webquest for your review questions.

Click Below... 





Thanks for working so hard everyone! Don't forget to keep your rulers because you will need them again in your classrooms!


Students view a range of objects that differ in length and are able to sequence them from longest to shortest based on their observations only. 

Students can not yet compare length without direct assistance.

Students are only able to compare length when the items are placed beside one another. 
Students are able to identify the difference between the long and short items. 
Students are able to identify the differences between long and short items and use the correct terminology.  
Students are able to describe and understand why they have made their decisions about measurement through demonstration or verbal justification.    Students can not give an explanation about their measurement decisions.

Students can only demonstrate their knowledge with the assistance of heavy prompting.   

Students can explain their decisions about measurement through demonstration only. Students can verbally and practically demonstrate their knowledge about measurement and clearly justify their answers.  
Students are able to recall specific concepts and terminology used in prior learning about length and measurement.

Students are unable to recall any information or terminology in regards to length and measurement. 


Students are able to recall limited knowledge and terminology in regards to length and measurement. Students are able to recall most of the knowledge and terminology in regards to length and measurement. Students are able to recall the specific concepts and terminology in regards to length and measurement.  
Students are able to construct their own measuring tool and illustrate their ability to use it through the online activities.


 Students require constant assistance in creating their measuring tools and completing measuring activities.

Students require some prompting when creating their measuring tools and completing measuring activities. Students are able to construct their own measuring tool but need assistance in completing measuring activities. Students are able to construct their own measuring tool and can use it to complete measuring activities.  
Students are able to validate and appraise their work and the work of their peers.

Students are unable to make comments or suggestions about their own work or the work of their peers.  


Students are unable to make comments or suggestions about the work of their peers but can correct their own mistakes or misinterpretations. Students are able to make vague comments and suggestions about their own work and the work of their peers. Students are able to make clear and appropriate comments and suggestions about their own work and the work of their peers.  


You should be very proud of what you have done so far. 

We have done some very tricky things in the last few lessons and you have learned some very important skills. 

Isn't it fun being able to measure different things and compare them. Look at the things around you, with your new skills and tools such as your ruler you can measure them and judge if they are longer or shorter than other objects.

You have done a great job with your measuring.

Click on the below website to have some fun with your maths! 

The game you will be playing is called *Measurement - words - o - rama*!





Teacher Page


As I'm sure you can all appreciate Maths is a big part of children's learning. Everyday without even realizing it they are experimenting and exploring with emerging maths concepts, especially when it comes to distance and measurement. Children make subconscious observations about measurement all the time like "it took so long to come to school this morning" or "my pencil case is bigger than yours".

Taking all of this into account I thought that some of the knowledge and early measurement concepts should be introduced so that children can start to immerse themselves into the learning so they can be aware of all the everyday occurrences with measurement.

It is fun to explore and compare with length and there are endless activities on and offline that children can do to build and extend their knowledge on this topic.


In this unit it is time to get the children excited about measurement and all the fun tools and objects they can use while investigating this topic. This unit will focus on introducing vital concepts such as what is the different sides of an object called (e.g. length) and how can they be measured using different tools of measurement? 

This will be achieved by...

This unit will start using the children's language model of teaching where the children will have the opportunity to use their classroom environment to explore and experiment with the idea of measurement. They will then move onto more distinct objects that will help them develop a clearer idea of what the terms (tall, short, long, wide etc.) look like. As the children move closer to the materials and mathematics language stages they will begin to measure different objects, start to make predictions and be introduced to some of the terminology such as centimeters.

The WebQuest will offer students the opportunity to explore the computer as well as practice making measurements both with non standardised and standardised units.  

At any level of learning the children will be given the opportunity to justify their findings in order to check understanding and engage their higher order thinking skills. This is done through reflection questions, checking their own work and recounts of learning.