Telling Time 2


 Welcome to "Making Sense of Time"

I am glad you stopped by today! This will be a fun adventure through learning to tell time.

We will examine many aspects of telling time this week. At the end you will be well on your way with a great understanding of time.  


Lesson Objectives

1. Student will recgonize what an O'clock and half past looks like in written, digital, and analogue format.

2. Student will learn parts of the clock and how to tell time.

3. Students will learn how many minutes are in an hour and how many minutes are in 1/2 past the hour.

4. Students will recall events in a day by placing them in order.

5. Students will create their own schedule and show the times for each activity through the use of clocks.


Day 1: Telling Time Part 1

Today we will learn more about clocks. Click the link and watch the video clips about clocks.

***There is a small quiz at the end remember to show your score to the Mrs. Cuttino***

Day 2: Make your own clock.

In this lesson we will expand are knowlege on learning about clocks and telling time. We are going to create and interactive clock to help students visualize the imagninary numbers.

**Minute are in red and **hours are in blue**

Materials: crayons, markers, starter sheet, rulers, clock hands, brass tacks (can get from teacher) teacher example.

Day 3: Clock Games

Today we are going to practice what we have learned so far. I have set up several games around the room. Find your name on on the rotation chart on the room and get started.

 Learn to Tell Time    Students, you may also find games at the link below.

Day 4: Telling Time part 2

Students today is pretty simple. You have a worksheet on the back table. Please take your time and complete! Find partner who is FINISHED and play clock games.

Day 5: Create your own schedule.

Today, we are going to create a schedule of what someone might do in typical day.

This schedule should include a time for waking up, eating, taking a shower, play time (relax), homework and bed time.

When completing your schedule you need to list the tasks that you would do in order. Also you need to list the times in an analog manner.


Evaluation: Rubric

Task Satasfactory Needs Work
Watch Video Students watch the and completes the quiz. Stduents earn 80% on quiz. _____5pts Students struggled staying on tasks. The students earned less than 80% on quiz. _____0pts
Make your own clock Student follows directions and tries their best to create a clock similar to the example. Their clock is not missing anything.______10pts Student did not follow directions and did not complete their clock._____5pts
Play games Student played clock games and did not have any issues. ______5pts Student played around and did not stay focused during game time. ______0pts

Student completed schedule. Students events are in sequential order and times are written beside the activity. Students may have teacher review their work befor final copy is turned in.


Student did not complete their schedule. Student events were not sequental order and times were not written or not written correclty. Students may have teacher review this activity once before final copy turned in ______5pts

Total Points:             /30


Yah! Now you have made sense of telling time. Remember to keep practicing you can only get better from here.



I would like to thank everyone for viewing my webquest on clocks.

All of these activities follow tasks and activities follow the common core standards.

Standards Addressed:

MA.3.M.3 (3.5.9):

Tell and write time to the nearest minute from analog clocks, using a.m. and p.m., and measure time intervals in minutes. Solve real world problems involving addition and subtraction of time intervals in minutes.


ABCYA: Elementary Computer Games and Activities. (2014). "Time Traveling: Can you tell time?"

Kids Know It Network. (2014). "Telling Time video".

Teacher Page

The tasks provided through this webquest offers students understanding of telling time. These tasks I have provided offer a deeper level of thinking because they offer hands on experience from creating a clock, to reading time on different clocks and  creating a schedule from a students typical day.