Different Ecosystems


This is a Webquest designed for 6th grade students learning about ecosystems in the project. In this project, students will be assigned in ecosystems and will e asked to describe the climate, landscape, plants, and animals of their ecosystem. They will also provide a food web/food chain for their ecosystem.

"Different Ecosystems"

An ecosystem describes a community of plants and animals living in the same area.  Ecosystems also include climatic conditions, elevation, the presence or absence of water, and other non-living parts of the environment.  While each ecosystem is unique, ecosystems have been categorized to describe and compare environments all over the world.


In this Webquest, look up the ecosystem you choose and fill out the four categories on an organizer I will give to you.

1. What types of plants are found in the ecosystem?

2. What types of animals are found in this ecosystem? and how do they fit into the food web?

  • You may either create your own food web or find one to print out but be able to explain the whole food web.
  • Show one food chain found within the food web.

3. What does the landscape look like?

  • Is it sandy? rocky? hilly? flat? wet? or mountainous?
  • Color where your ecosystem found in a map 

4. What is the climate like in this ecosystem?


You may either work with a partner and split the task evenly, or you may work alone.


Follow these steps to complete the project:

1. Get into groups of 2, or you can prefer to work alone.

2. Select one of the ecosystems.

3. Grab the graphic organizer and map.

4. Begin monitoring your ecosystem. Each person must fill out their own graphic organizer and can share map.

5. This is your time to get creative! Add a picture and text to each box but make sure that it can be read clearly.

Attached here is the link where you can access information about your activity. 


Skills 3 2 1 Score
Use of time

Students used their time to work


Students used some of

their time to work productively.

Students never used their time 

to work productively.


Pictures and graphics are clear

and relevant to the activity.

Some pictures and graphics are clear and 

relevant to the activity.

Pictures and graphics are not clear and relevant to the activity.  
Information/text The information are relevant and related to the topic/    Some information are relevant and related to the topic The information are not relevant and not related to the topic.  



Congratulations! You have finished your ecosystem project. It is very important to know the world's surrounding you and how everyone has a place/role in the community. After watching all of the presentations, which ecosystem was your favorite? Would you want to move to a different one? Is there any other comments you had on the project?