A happy workforce


There are several jobs and carreers to choose from.  Please choose one, read carefully about it.  Congratulations!!  This will be your career for the rest of your life.  Think for a few minutes about what your life will be like working in this position. 


The task involves the students doing research on career fields and specific careers within those fields, investigating their own personalities and personal characteristics, and then creating and presenting a poster that illustrates and defines the outcome of the research.  A potential perfect career match, therefore increasing the percentage of “a happier work force.”

Students:  You will be designing a poster that illustrates what your future ‘job’ will look like.  Include pictures, or descriptions of what type of training you will need, what types of businesses you could work at, and the print out of your personality profile results.

Essential or guiding questions:

  1. What are my main interests?
  2. What type of work do I enjoy/not enjoy?
  3. What are my personality characteristics?  How will these characteristics affect my job performance?
  4. What are my personal limitations?  How will these limitations affect my employability?  Can these limitations be overcome?
  5. What percentage of my close friends and family are happy with their line of work?  If they are unhappy, what type of career do they feel they would be better suited for?  



Step One:  Personality Profile

Do the online profile at:  http://www.ipersonic.com/,

Print out the results.  Highlight information that will help you decided what type of career will suit you.  Share this information with the teacher and add relevant information to your poster.

Step Two:  Go to the link https://bigfuture.collegeboard.org/explore-careers to research your assigned career path or any other you might find useful.   There will be many specific careers listed under each career path.  Complete the Graphic Organizer http://www.enchantedlearning.com/graphicorganizers/  You will need to fill in information about three specific careers that fall into your assigned category.

Step Three:  Interview three close friends or family members. Ask them about their professional carreers, their studies, if they are happy or if they would have done something different.

Step Four:  Poster  Create a poster illustrating what your future will be!! Include pictures, or descriptions of what type of training you will need, what types of businesses you could work at, and the print out of your personality profile results.

Step Five:  Presentation

Present your poster to the class.












Personality Profile 


partially completed personality profile quiz.

  Completed personality quiz without much thought.  Printed results but have not highlighted information or discussed with classmates or the teacher.

 Completed personality quiz, printed results from quiz and have highlighted information.

 Completed personality quiz, printed results from quiz and have highlighted information,  and have discussed results with classmates and the teacher.

 Career Graphic Orgnaizer


Organizer is missing several blocks of information.

 Organizer is mostly complete.  Some blocks have less information than required.

Organizer is   filled in with complete and  accurate information.

Organizer is filled in with complete and accurate information, with examples.



Interviews have not been completed and/or information is minimal. 

 Interviews are completed, but information is minimal and could be more useful.

Interviews are complete, information is sufficient and useful.

Interviews are complete.  Student is able to relay the answers of the interviewee in an understanding manner



Career Poster

Poster is incomplete.  Much of the required information is missing.  It is lacking color and/or other appealing characteristics.

Poster is almost complete, has a few appealing aspects, and covers most of the required information.

Poster is complete, is visually appealing, and covers all required information.

Poster is eye-catching and appealing and  covers all required information.


Oral Presentation

 Presenter mumbles, speaks too softly, makes no eye contact,  has clearly not practiced, has breaks in presentation, and omits much of the required material.   

Presenters’ speech is mostly understandable and audible, makes some eye contact, shows some confidence, is mostly fluid and covers most required material.  

Presenter speaks clearly, makes eye contact,  shows confidence, is fluid and covers all required material .

 Presenter is dressed to impress, uses an attention getter, captivates the audience, does not read from the poster at all, and covers all required material.

Description:  My rubric consists of four parts:  Personality Profile, Chosen Career Graphic Organizer, Career Poster and Oral Presentation


You have done an excellent job in making new discoveries about yourself!!

You have learned:

  •  The  type of personality you have (or at least kinda close to it)
  •  Some of the career fields you have to choose from
  •  Some specific careers within those fields
  • What some of your close friends and family think about their own careers
  • That personality type has a lot to do with happiness in any given career

Do you think you know yourself better after completing this quest??  Are there jobs you were thinking about before that you have now crossed off your list?  Are there a few new jobs/careers that you have added to your list of future possibilities? 

Do you think that your search for a perfect career is over now?  There is always room for improvement!   

Don't ever stop in the quest to know yourselves and do what makes you the happiest.