Earth's Spheres Webquest


There are four spheres in Earth Science. Each sphere has its own characteristics but they interact constantly. 

Essential Questions: What are the characteristics of the four spheres in Earth science and how do the interact with eachother?


Students will be using the following website and using the prompts to answer the questions on the google doc.



Spheres of the Earth Webquest


Follow the directions by clicking in the portions of each sphere in the photograph at the Exploring Earth website.

1.       Describe each of Earth’s four spheres.  List several examples of features in each sphere.






Click NEXT to proceed to page 3 of the Exploring Earth website.


2.       Processes that move __________________________ and _______________________ from one sphere to another are called sphere interactions.

3.  Use pages 3, 4, and 5 of the Exploring Earth website for the following:

-For each of the following processes, list the sphere where matter begins in the process and the sphere where matter ends in the process.

Example: (Hydrosphere) Water in a lake becomes ground water. (Geosphere/Lithosphere)    

  1. Water evaporates into the air.


  1. Plants absorb water into their roots


    c. Humans breathe in oxygen


    d. Oil wells burn fossil fuels


    e. Rivers deposit sediment




On Separate Sheet of paper:

Make a concept map using the following words:

Earth, hydrosphere, animals, atmosphere, rocks, lithosphere/geosphere, biosphere, oxygen, oceans, bricks, ozone, rivers, plants, mountains, bacteria, wind, snow.


Earth Spheres Webquest


  4. Distinguished 3. Proficient 2. Apprentice 1. Novice
Content-Amount of Information:
Topic and length


Topic was completely addressed. Statements were clearly supported by many facts and detailed examples. Topic was addressed. Most statements were supported by facts and examples. Topic was addressed. Some statements were supported by facts and examples. Topic was not addressed. Statements were not supported by facts or examples.
Organization-Time Management:
Uses time wisely


Used time well. Work was turned in early or on time. Most work was done on time. Some work was not done on time. Monitored progress occasionally. Did not change work habits or schedule accordingly. Worked frantically to finish project on time. Did not use time well. Little or no work was done on time. Did not monitor progress adequately. Project was not completed on time.
Writing-Sentence Fluency:
Length, variety and flow of writing


Most sentences varied in length and structure. Writing had a natural flow that made it easy to read. Many sentences varied in length and structure. Some sentences did not flow smoothly. A few sentences varied in length. Most sentences did not flow smoothly. Sentences were short and did not flow well. Sentence structure did not change.