Ebenezer Owusu Amendment 5



                             Amendment V

Amendment V

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

                               Summary of Amendment V

 Five Amendments: No person would be held to answer for a capital crime double jeopardy right to remain silent to a cop.





Ebenezer Owusu                                                                                                                                Class: 803

                                            Performance task# 3

                                       Amendment #5                                                              

   Double Jeopardy


The meaning of this link is to show what amendment number 5 is and the meaning of it.


And this link is talking about the Double Jeopardy Clause of the Fifth Amendment prohibits state and federal governments from reprosecuting for the same offense a defendant who has already been acquitted or convicted. It also prevents state and federal governments from imposing more than one punishment for the same offense.


This link is about the Self-Incrimination ,Development and Scope, The Power to Compel Testimony and Disclosure ,Immunity,  Required Records Doctrine , Reporting and Disclosure Confessions: Police Interrogation, Due Process, and Self-Incrimination The Common Law Rule McNabb-Mallory Doctrine ,State Confession Cases ,From the Voluntariness Standard to Miranda ,Miranda v. Arizona, The Operation of the Exclusionary Rule, Supreme Court Review Procedure in the Trial Courts ,Due Process ,History and Scope ,Scope of the Guaranty ,Procedural Due Process ,Generally, Administrative Proceedings: A Fair Hearing ,Aliens: Entry and Deportation, Judicial Review of Administrative Proceedings, Right to remain silence


And this links also talks about the “The Fifth Amendment (Amendment V) to the United States Constitution is part of the Bill of Rights and protects against abuse of government authority.

The Amendment requires that felonies be tried only upon indictment by a grand jury; the Grand Jury Clause is one of the few provisions of the Bill of Rights not held to have been incorporated to the states, most of which have replaced grand juries”. 



This link is about the” Trial and Punishment, Compensation for Takings”


This link also talks about Chicago Civil Rights for the 5th Amendment




No person shall be held to answer for a capita


This link is about” Why the Fifth Amendment Is Much More than 'Pleading the Fifth'”
and a short video that back it up.


And this link is about the Fifth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.


And this link talks about some of the Amendments and the segment review and also  the limited govement .




Ebenezer Owusu                                                                                                         Class:803

                             Amendment V

  Big Ideas                                       

  • Right to remain silence. 
  • Double jeopardy.
  • No person shall be held to answer for a capital.

How does right to remain silence support the Amendment?

What is double jeopardy?

What does “No person shall to answer for a capital” mean in the Amendment?





Ebenezer Owusu                                                                                                          Class: 803

Date: 2/11/14                                                                                        Amedment#5

        Do we need to follow the law?


1) Why is it important to follow this law?

-it’s Important to follow this law because this law will help you have rights. Like for example you’re in a court room and you say you plead the fifth that helps you to remain silent.

2) How is this video going to protect us? (Let say if someone use gun on someone by accident)?

-In a way we can learn from this video because it teaches us that we have this amendment to support

-They made this law in the first place to make people conferrable of knowing that they have their rights when it’s necessary.

4) Was this law fine with everybody when it was made?

-This is help full because if you’re getting search for no reason this means you cannot be questioned, charged, or arrested, without probable cause so this help us keep are rights when you are getting search.

4) Did this law course any conflict between people? 

-Well in the video no but in real life yes there is a rule called stop and frisk. This thing provokes many teenagers because this law is unfair since they mostly stop them because their black or Latin and since they are, they stop them just because and this amendment can help.


Ebenezer comment- thanks for the answer and you are right on the answers but you need to make it more sense and also read the question carefully.

Answered by Alejandro 



Ebenezer Owusu                                                                                                          Class: 803

Date: 2/11/14                                                        


Why is it important to follow this law?

How is this video going to protect us. (let say if someone use gun on someone by accident)?

Why did they make this law in the first place? Why?

Was this law fine with everybody when it was made?

Did this law course any conflict between people?