Introduction to Greek Mythology


Welcome! The purpose of this WebQuest is to introduce you to Greek Mythology. You will likely find that you are more familiar with it that you realize! I hope that this assignment piques your curiosity in the subject matter, as it is the warm-up for our next unit: Homer’s The Illiad and The Odyssey. Have fun!


You are a time traveller going back to Ancient Greece. Your task today is to use the links provided to explore your new surroundings. Learn about the stories from Greek Mythology and the customs of this new (to you) era. Please take note of any interesting stories or concepts that resonate with you, or may seem familiar to you from modern times. Tomorrow, you will share the story/concept/character you found most interesting and why with a short presentation. This can be in the form of a poster, short (2-3 slides!) powerpoint, etc. Additionally, you will show us one example of Greek Mythology in modern film, literature, business, or anything else you can connect to this topic!

For example, this is Cerberus, the three-headed dog that mythology says guards the gates to the Underworld. Terrifying!

This is Fluffy, Hagrid's three-headed dog tasked with guarding the entrance to the Sorcerer's Stone in Harry Potter's first year-- see any connections??


Greek mythology, though ancient, is still visible in our world today. From literature to movies to business names and logos and much more, these myths have been around us our whole lives, and you may find that these stories are much more familiar to you than you have previously thought!

Please use the following internet resources to explore some Greek Myths, as well as to experience ancient Greek customs and daily life. How might understanding the background of the culture help you understand their myths?

Learn about life in Ancient Greece:

Learn about Greek Myths, Gods & Goddesses, and Heroes:



You're done-- congratulations! I hope this assignment helped you understand the form, purpose, and relevancy of Greek Mythology to the modern world!

You should now be well-prepared for our next unit: Homeric epics (get excited!)