
This webquest is designed to teach students to identify the stages of mise-en-place, to identify the inventory items needed for various types of mise-en-place, to exemplify the mise-en-place for breakfast, guest-welcoming and for the complete formal menu and to analyze the importance of mise-en-place stages.

They will become "experts" in the area, able to inform others of specific techniques for serving food and beverages in food establishments, as well as consumer behavior in specific situations.


The restaurant is a theater where the table is the scene, and the kitchen is the backstage. Therefore, no detail should be neglected in order for the "play" to be valued at its maximum.

Preparing the food unit for receiving and serving consumers consists of:

- Preparing serving items

- Arranging the customer service salon

In this webquest we will learn about:

  • How to communicate efficiently with the consumers;
  • how to identify the stages of mise-en-place;
  • how to identify the inventory items needed for various types of mise-en-place;
  • how to exemplify the mise-en-place for breakfast, guest-welcoming and for the complete formal menu;
  • how to analyse the importance of mise-en-place stages.

Your task for this webquest is to split in 3 groups and each group will find out exactly how to design a menu for a continental breakfast (group 1), one for a lunch meal (group 2) and one for a festive dinner (group 3). Each team will assign a student to exemplify the mise-en-place, choosing the right inventory items.


Follow the steps below for the first process. Please print off the worksheets before you conduct your research as they contain important directions that must be followed.

1. In groups of five, you will work together to learn about Types of menu offered in hotel and restaurant, by using the link and filling out the worksheet below.


Types of menu in hotel and restaurant


Types of menu in hotel and restaurant (worksheet): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vtdb0Qh2Bm9Pe92o6Vl6H0B1Qe3IykMoP6KBjQp3V4U/edit?usp=sharing



Now that you have completed all the components of process one, proceed to process two!

2. In groups of five, you will work together to learn how to design a menu for different moments of the day or year, by using the links.


Design a menu for a continental breakfast (group 1)



Design a menu for a lunch meal (group 2)



Design a menu for a festive dinner (group 3)



Each team will then assign a student to exemplify the mise-en-place for breakfast (group 1), guest-welcoming (group 2) and for the complete formal menu (group 3), choosing the right inventory items, using the documentation handout about the types of mise-en-place.

Documentation handout: Types of mise-en-place:




Great work! You are now at the last part of your project!! Below is the requirement for your booklet. Follow the directions and compiling your booklet will be a snap.


Using your worksheets and the documentation handout, write at least one page double spaced paper about the stages of mise-en-place.

Booklet Compilation Directions

1) Must have a cover page which includes the topic, group members, and some kind of artistic portrayal.

2) Table of Contents page - components must be in the following order

  • Types of menu in hotel and restaurant (worksheet)
  • The menus for a continental breakfast (group 1), for a lunch meal (group 2) and for a festive dinner (group 3).
  • Documentation handout: Types of mise-en-place
  • One photo taken at the end of mise-en-place (task) for each type: the mise-en-place for breakfast (group 1), guest-welcoming (group 2) and for the complete formal menu (group 3)  
  • The page paper about the stages of mise-en-place.

3) Compile the components in the booklet (folder or binder) in the order above.

**Take liberty in font style, color, and design. Feel free to add pictures, maps, etc. to show those that look through your booklets that you have gained a strong understanding in Hospitality industry.**



This is how your work will be evaluated.














Table setting basic information

Worksheet not filled out. 

Worksheet filled out. Lacking correct information and appropriate responses.

Worksheet filled out. Correct answers but lacking descriptions that show knowledge has been gained.

Worksheet filled out with correct answers and appropriate responses that demonstrate that knowledge has been gained.



Types of menu in hotel and restaurant (worksheet)

The menus for a continental breakfast (group 1), for a common meal (group 2) and for a festive dinner (group 3)


Worksheet not filled out.

Worksheet filled out. Lacking correct information and appropriate responses.

Worksheet filled out. Correct answers but lacking descriptions that show knowledge has been gained.

Worksheet filled out with correct answers and appropriate responses that demonstrate that knowledge has been gained



The mise-en-place (demonstration) 


The table is not set.

Only some of the inventory items are correctly chosen. The table setting is not appropriate for the given menu.

More than half of the inventory items are correctly chosen. The table setting is incomplete, but is appropriate for the given menu.

All the inventory items were chosen correctly. The table setting is complete and appropriate for the given menu.




The page paper about the stages of mise-en-place


No conclusion

Conclusion is less than one page and lacks deeper thinking and connections.

Conclusion is appropriate length but lacks deeper thinking and connections.

Conclusion in appropriate length demonstrates deeper thinking and connections.



Booklet of mise-en-place

No booklet. 

Booklet is lacking key components.

Booklet contains all key components but not all directions were followed.

Booklet contains all key components and all directions were followed.





According to The New Professional Chef, mise en place “means far more than simply assembling all the ingredients, pots and pans, plates, and serving pieces needed for a particular period. Mise en place is also a state of mind. Someone who has truly grasped the concept is able to keep many tasks in mind simultaneously, weighing and assigning each its proper value and priority. This assures that the chef has anticipated and prepared for every situation that could logically occur during a service period. If you practice this one skill and “put everything in place” before you get started, your dishes will turn out more delicious and you will definitely enjoy the act of cooking more than ever.


This webquest was created by a team of teachers, within the co-funded Erasmus plus KA2  partnership “English for hospitality” (EN4HOSTS), project number: 2017-1-RO01-KA201-037159, KA2 - Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices ,KA201 - Strategic Partnerships for school education


The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsi­ble for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.