EN4HOSTS-Tourism theory and applications /Travel Planning


Travel planning today is nowadays both a very simple and a complicated procedure at the same time. There is a vast range of tools and applications that make Tourism something really approachable to common people. This is a great asset for Tourism industry as it brings all kinds of people closer to their dream holidays, while forcing people who offer their services to improve all serviced provided.

In this webquest we will learn about:

  • Tourists Destinations
  • How to plan a trip
  • Different kinds of destinations (island/mountain/city)
  • popularity of destinations
  • Information sources that can be used by travellers

Your task for this webquest is to find out exactly what procedure is followed in order to plan a trip.

You and your group (three students total) will become "experts" in finding out all the necessary information about a destination and  planned activities

Using the knowledge that you have gained in process one, it is now your job as a group to create a brochure and make a pitch (e.g., a short video, Prezi, PowerPoint, or live in-class presentation) about your planned trip.

 ¢Clearly articulate why you have chosen your selected destination.

¢Identify what specific things you plan to do.

¢Explain why is your destination special

¢State what kind of tourists would want to travel there


Step 1

1. In groups of three, you will work together to learn about Tourist Destinations and How to plan a trip by using the link and filling out the first worksheet. 

What is Tourist Destination? 


Tourist Destination: What is it?


2.Each group will then choose one of the following and fill out the worksheet.


          ¢Group 1: island


Island?Mountain? or City?


3.Once you have all completed your assigned part, you will find out how popular your destination is by using the link below:


Sources of information


how popular is your destination?


Now that you have completed all the components of process one, proceed to process two!

Using the knowledge that you have gained in process one, it is now your job as a group to create a brochure and make a pitch (e.g., a short video, Prezi, PowerPoint, or live in-class presentation) about your planned trip.


¢Clearly articulate why you have chosen your selected destination.

¢Identify what specific things you plan to do.

¢Explain why is your destination special

¢State what kind of tourists would want to travel there


Great work! You are now at the last part of your project!!

Below is the requirement for your brochure.

Follow the directions and compiling your booklet will be a snap!

Booklet Compilation Directions

 1) Must have a cover page which includes the topic, group members, and some kind of artistic portrayal.

2) Table of Contents page - components must be in the following order

  • Conclusions on Information in Tourist Deastination (worksheet)
  • Tourist Destination: What is it? (worksheet word)
  • Planned trip to a greek island (worksheet word)
  • Planned trip to a greek mountain (worksheet word)
  • Planned trip to a greek city (worksheet word)
  • Information sources (worksheet)
  • Conclusion on “Travel and Tourism”.

 3) Compile the components in the booklet (folder or binder) in the order above.

 **Take liberty in font style, color, and design. Feel free to add pictures, maps, etc to show those that look through your booklets that you have gained a strong understanding in Travel and Tourism.**


This is how your work will be evaluated.













Completed Travel planning and Tourism basic information

worksheet not filled out. 

Worksheet filled out. Lacking correct information and appropiate responces.

Worksheet filled out. Correct answers but lacking descriptions that show knowledge has been gained.

Worksheet filled out with correct answers and appropiate responces that demonstrate that knowledge has been gained.



Planned trip to an island(worksheet)

Planned trip to a mountain(worksheet)

Planned trip to a city(worksheet)


worksheet not filled out.

Worksheet filled out. Lacking correct information and appropriate response.

Worksheet filled out. Correct answers but lacking descriptions that show knowledge has been gained.

Worksheet filled out with correct answers and appropriate responses that demonstrate that knowledge has been gained



Sources of information (worksheet)


worksheet not filled out.

Worksheet filled out. Lacking correct information and appropriate response.

Worksheet filled out. Correct answers but lacking descriptions that show knowledge has been gained.

Worksheet filled out with correct answers and appropriate responses that demonstrate that knowledge has been gained.



Conclusion on which destination is best for each traveller

No conclusion

Conclusion is less than one page and lacks deeper thinking and connections.

Conclusion is appropriate length but lacks deeper thinking and connections.

Conclusions in appropriate length demonstrates deeper thinking and connections.



Booklet of Travel planning and Tourism

No booklet. 

Booklet is lacking key components.

Booklet contains all key components but not all directions were followed.

Booklet contains all key components and all directions were followed.




This webquest was created by a team of teachers, within the co-funded Erasmus plus KA2  partnership “English for hospitality” (EN4HOSTS), project number: 2017-1-RO01-KA201-037159, KA2 - Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices ,KA201 - Strategic Partnerships for school education


The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsi­ble for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.