Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells


In biology,we call smallest unit of a living as a cell.There are two

types of cells in this planet.Click task to continue.


For now,there are two types of cells discovered by

scientists.Prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells.They have different

structures and properties.Go forward to continue.


One of them is prokaryotic cells as we mentioned before.Let's see a picture of it first.

And to get more information watch the video below.

Another type of cell is eukaryotic cells,let's see a drawing first.

Well, to get more clear about it, you can watch the video.


Now,we've learned the properties of prokaryotic and eukaryotic

cells.It's time to learn and observe the differences between them.

Is it clear enough?So let's keep going forward.


To summarize what we've learned today,we learned the smallest unit

of living things.Cell types which are named as prokaryotic cells and

eukaryotic cells.Their properties and structures,also we learned their

differences.In today's science we have just discovered and observed

these ones.We'll see what we missed in the future...
