European Geography 9th-10th Grade


Welcome, students!

Our focus this upcoming unit is on the countries of Europe!


Familiarize yourselves generally with all the countries of Europe, with a focus on one particular country of your choice to construct a short presentation about.



Step 1: Choose a country in Europe to research and read through three sources discussing it, specifically looking for the history of the nation's formation and how it has interacted with neighboring countries throughout history. Take note of what kind of government the country has, as well as what changes to its government it has undergone. As you read, ask yourself what traditions and customs are important to this country? What similarities in traditions can be found to other countries in this region?

Step 2: Create a PowerPoint of 7 slides with the information you have discovered (PowerPoint, Google Slides, Canva, etc are all acceptable provided it can be downloaded as a PDF and submitted on Google Classroom):

  • Slide 1: Introduce your country and its general geographical position (what's around it, neighboring countries)
  • Slide 2: Identify some of the major features of your chosen country: landmarks, geographic features, climate
  • Slide 3: History of the country's formation and development
  • Slide 4: Government of the country and government changes
  • Slide 5: Traditions and customs
  • Slide 6: Similarities to the surrounding nations
  • Slide 7: Two screenshots of your completion of the Sporcle quizzes

Step 3: Write 2-3 sentences to go along with each slide in the notes section. This should have more detail than the words on the actual slides, and it should describe any corresponding pictures/maps/charts/graphs.

Step 4: Take these two quizzes to see how well you can identify your countries and their capitals. Don't worry! The quizzes are meant for fun and are short (8 and 5 minutes, respectively). Screenshot your results for each quiz, even if you score only 30%: this is a completion grade and also something I hope you'll enjoy and feel challenged to try again. Both screenshots should be added to the last page of your PowerPoint, together constituting Slide 7.


Presentation Content: 25%

  • Shows thoughtful analysis of information learned and good understanding of one specific country

Presentation Design: 15%

  • Exhibits neatness and creativity

Writing: 25%

  • Demonstrates careful reading and research of the three sources, meets but does not exceed sentence count, has few grammatical errors

Sources: 15%

  • Includes 3 academic sources

Quizzes: 10% each x2 (20% total)

  • Completion grade only

Submit in Google Classroom by 11:59pm Sunday night in preparation for our Monday intro into European geography. Feel free to play around more with the country identifying quiz (not the capital one), as those are something you'll have to know for a test. Enjoy your weekend!
