Ratios, Rates, and Proportions


Hello students! You have designated with the task making af fruit salad that will serve the entire sixth grade! Are you prepared to take this challange? Let's begin!  


You task is to create 100 fruit cups that will feed the entire 6th grade! You must you a variety of fruits and be aware of the total cost of completing this task. 


Step One:

Review the Ads of several grocery stores to compare the price of fruit. You will be looking for ratios of fruit to whole dollars. For example 2 banas for 1 dollars. You need to chart the the prices of the fruit on an Excel spread sheet. You must find the price of at least 5 different from fruits from 3 diffent stores. 

Below are the links to Various Grocery stores. 






Step 2.

After categorizing you fruit. You must create combinations of fruit and show these combinations as ratios. Your ratios must be list in the 3 different forms. You can compare one fruit to the other (bananas to apples) and/or one fruit to whole (bananas to all fruit). You will at these ratios to you excel spread Sheet. You must have at least 8 different ratios listed on you spread sheet. 

Step 3.

After completing you spread sheet. You will sellect at least 4 fruit combinations and find the unit rate for one cup of fruit and then apply that combination to 25, 50, and 100 students. You will need to show this combination as a proportion and solve each proportion.Also, you must calculate the unit cost of each cup of fruit.  Add this data into you excel spread sheet. 

Step 4.

Next, you must calculate the percent of each fruit that you selected per 100 (banas was what percent of you total fruit) This must also be set up as a proportion. Add this information to you exel spread sheet. Each from used in 4 combinations select must be accounted for in you calculations. 

After your data collection has been completed you will create a video using IMovie explaning. In this video you will describe the fruit cups you created in ratio form. You will provide you data and explain the cost of each fruit cup as a unit rate. You will also exaplain how you came up with the cost of the each cup as a proportion problem. In addition, you will tell the percent of each fruit. Finally, you will tell what the total cost serving 100 fruit cups and if that determined which fruits you selected.