
Music plays an important role in our lives. It is a central tool for expressing our emotions and promoting our living. We need to spend a lot of time listening to music to entertain ourselves. In this project, you will investigate the Beatles, the famous group in the history of pop music whose recordings still enjoy a lot of people. You are invited to go on a journey in order to have a quick overview of the historical aspect of the Beatles. You will know its origin, members and the most famous songs. Then, you will discover the most common musical instruments. Finally, you have to make a presentation using a multi-media medium about the history of this band. To fulfill what we have planned for, you have to answer all the questions. So, let's surf  the Net and gather as much information as possible about this popular band.


You can   work

in groups of two

or individually.


          Your task is

 ·       to make an internet research and answer all the questions.

  • ·       to find images of each member of the band
  • ·       to look for another images about their instruments
  • ·       to do some extra activities about «The Beatles».
  • illustrate the results of your search by examples and create a Power Point presentation (or a Prezi) 




   Surf  the Net and answer the following questions:


  1. 1.   Who were the Beatles?
  2. 2.     You have to summarize the life of one of them (Five lines)
  3. 3.     How many were they?
  4. 4.     How did they form their band?
  5. 5.     When did they split up?
  6. 6.     Did the Beatles have their songs written for them?
  7. 7.     How many songs did they record? And how many albums did they record?
  8. 8.     How many films did they make?
  9. 9.     Tell about  John Lennon’s death.

The Internet BeatlesAlbum

The Beatles. History

The Beatles's Canon. Songs, Albums And Photographs.


«Find images of each member of the band» 

The Beatles Рictures

STEP 3«What Instruments Did the Beatles Use?»

«Never has a band had the kind of influence over culture, music and musicians the way the Beatles did. From the way they sounded to the way they looked and the clothes they wore, they were copied by bands for decades after their peak. If they used an instrument or an amp, the sales for that type and brand would go up dramatically»


Microsoft Word документ [29.0 KB]
СкачатьSTEP 4Practice Your English Language Skills

Download and print this file.Listen to the text. 

Complete the tasks and bring the papers to your teacher.

Famous People

Microsoft Word документ [97.0 KB]
СкачатьSTEP 5

Make a survey of your classmates to find out their favourite songs of  the Beatles.

Make a Top Five list.


Then make a Powerpoint or a Prezi  reflecting your ideas.


Research and sharing of information

Finds and shares little or no pertinent information with other team members-2       

Finds and shares some pertinent  information with other team members -3  

Finds and shares important information needed to accomplish the task -4   

Finds and shares a great deal of important information to accomplish the task, adding complementary details-5

Roles and responsibilities

Plays no role and assumes no or few of the responsibilities assigned to him or her-2          

Plays a limited role and assumes some of the responsibilities assigned to him or her-3        

Plays his or her role well and assumes most of the responsibilities assigned to him or her -4           

Plays his or her role to perfection and assumes all responsibilities assigned to him or her-5


Rarely takes part in group discussions, shares very few ideas and does not respect others' opinions-2       

Occasionally takes part in group discussions, shares some ideas and respects others' opinions to a limited degree-3              

Takes an active part in group discussions, shares ideas most of the time, and respects others' opinions-4   

Takes the initiative in group discussions, shares ideas and encourages others to do the same, respects others' opinion-5

Time management and focus on task

Wastes his or her time and focuses very little on the task -2  

Does not make good use of time and is often distracted from the task-3     

Manages time well and generally focuses on the task-4         

Manages time very efficiently and focuses on the task-5



Content is minimal OR there are several factual errors- 2
Includes essential information about the topic but there are 1-2 factual errors- 3
Includes essential knowledge about the topic. Subject knowledge appears to be good-4
Covers topic in-depth with details and examples. Subject knowledge is excellent- 5


There was no clear or logical organizational structure,
just lots of facts- 2 
Content is logically organized for the most part-3 
Uses headings or bulleted lists to organize, but the overall organization of topics appears flawed-4 
Content is well organized using headings or bulleted lists to group related material-5


Uses other people's ideas, but does not give them credit- 2
Uses other people's ideas (giving them credit), but there is little evidence of original thinking- 3 
Product shows some original thought. Work shows new ideas and insights- 4 
Product shows a large amount of original thought. Ideas are creative and inventive- 5

To know the result summarise your points!

Teacher Page

После завершения проекта учащиеся смогут:

  • использовать программные средства обработки изображений, создания презентаций, публикаций для представления результатов поисковой и исследовательской деятельности;
  • выражать своё мнение по проблеме;
  • аргументировать свою точку зрения;
  • составлять планы письменных и устных сообщений;
  • привести примеры, иллюстрирующие изучаемую проблему;
  • анализировать, сопоставлять факты и делать выводы;
  • обрабатывать полученную информацию;
  • употреблять в речи изученную лексику по учебным темам;
  • сотрудничать с другими учащимися и родителями, продуктивно работать в команде для решения поставленной проблемы;
  • находить нужные информационные ресурсы;
  • применять творчески свои идеи.


Личностные результаты. Учащиеся смогут:

 приобрести опыт коллективных взаимоотношений: сотрудничества и взаимопомощи;

 учащиеся научаться вести «диалог культур» ;

 повысить интерес к социокультурным особенностям Великобритании, выражая его через осознанное желание учиться.


Метапредметные результаты. К ним можно отнести:

  • способность регулировать собственную деятельность, направленную на познание окружающей действительности и возможностей человеческого разума;
  • способность осуществлять информационный поиск, оценивать степень значимости источника;
  • умение структурировать найденную информацию;
  • проводить анализ найденной информации, делать выводы на основе совокупности отдельных фактов;
  • осознание правил и норм взаимодействия со взрослыми и сверстниками;
  • навыки использования средств ИКТ для сопровождения интеллектуальной деятельности, развития универсальных учебных действий.



Предметные результаты. К ним можно отнести:

  • усвоение первоначальных сведений;
  • использование базового понятийного аппарата на уровне, доступном для понимания средних  школьников,
  • умение описывать и охарактеризовывать факты и события в изучаемой области .


Цели проекта:

Формирование осознанного отношения к  культуре Великобритании, уважение и понимание значимости не только культур других стран, но и своей.

Формирование нравственных ценностей учащихся о значении истории в нашей жизни и необходимости ее знания.


Задачи проекта:

Расширить общекультурный кругозор учащихся посредством знакомства их с различными источниками информации.