Let's prepare for the Speaking Section of the FCE Exam


How many times have you thought about taking the FCE Exam?

If this question has gone through your mind, then this Web Quest will help you and any person who has at least a B1 level of English, prepare for the Speaking Section of the exam. Please put  on your thinking cap!


The Key to success is preparation!!


In the WebQuest you will accomplish the following:

  • Learn and get familiarized with the speaking section of the FCE exam.
  • Watch mock tests about each part.
  • Take notes about each part of this section.
  • Using your cell phone, record five questions asked with your own answers and send them to us using Whatsapp.
  • Based on the notes taken about the different parts of the Speaking Section of the exam; answer the questions in a word format and send them to our e-mail. 
  • Create an action plan for studying that is customized for you.

Everything you will need to complete the WebQuest is in the attached documents.

These activities will have to be completed in 10 working hours.


            The speaking paper Part 1.

        Now visit the website: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=McnMwvkqnNY

  • Take notes about the type of questions asked in Part 1 (Interview)
  • Using your notes answer the following questions:
  1. At the beginning of part 1, in general what does the interlocutor want to know about the candidates?
  2. Write two questions asked to each candidate and the answers they gave.


Now let's work with Part 2 of the speaking section visit the website.


Read carefully Part 2 (long turn)

Now visit the website:


Take notes 

  • Answer the following questions and send your answers in a word format to the following e-mail address ivanpatricio1706@hotmail.com
  • In your own words, what do the two candidates have to do in this part.
  • How long does each candidate have to speak in this part?
  • What does the assessor do?

Now visit again the website: www.cambridgeenglish.org/exams/first/whats-in-the-exam/ and do practise Part 2 only.


Now let's work with Part 3.

Read carefully Part 3 on the website:

www.cambridgeenglish.org/exams/first/whats-in-the-exam/ and do practise Part 3.

Watch the video on the website:


  • In your own words what is this part about?
  • Why do you think they call this part the "collaborative task"?
  • Make a list of 10 useful expressions that could help you interact with the other candidate.

Please send your answers in a word format to: ivanpatricio1706@hotmail.com

After sending the required information, watch this website:


Check out the useful expressions which are pointed out in the video, are they similar to the ones you sent us?

Make sure you use them when you take the real FCE!


Finally let's work with Part 4.

  • Do you think that in an interview like this you might be nervous?
  • If this is true, how could you overcome becoming nervous in a real situation like this?

Write your answers in a word format along with a list of at least 10 useful expressions for expressing opinions, agreeing and disagreeing, then please send it to: ivanpatricio1706@hotmail.com

*Go back to the website: www.cambridgeenglish.org/exams/first/whats-in-the-exam/  and do practise Part 4.

After sending the required information, watch this website:



Watch the video, pay attention to the useful expressions; are they similar to the ones in your list?

Write down the ones you consider the most useful and learn how and when to use them in a real FCE Exam.

Good Luck!! :-) 


You will be avaluated on a scale of 1-3 for different criteria.

1 = Unsatisfactory   

2 = Satisfactory  

3 = Excellent  

  1    2    3  
Following Directions

Student did not follow directions and had a difficult time understanding what to do.

Student followed directions but had a difficult time staying on task and had to be reminded at times. Student followed all directions and was always on task.

Answering well the questions, meeting some questions' requirements with both a little bit fluency and accuracy.

Answering well the questions, meeting most questions' requirements with both a fluency and accuracy. Answering well the questions, meeting all questions' requirements with both fluency and accuracy.
Use of resources

Student did not use the resources.

Student used some resources well. Student used all the resources and had to finish their reports.
Task Completion 

Student did not complete the tasks.

Student completed some of the assigned tasks. Student completed all the tasks in the assigned time.

We hope you have become more familiarized with the speaking section of the FCE and feel more confident for this part of the exam.

Experts say that when you prepare yourself well for the speaking part of the FCE, you are not only ready to pass this section, but also you will be able to communicate more effectively in real life situations.  Do you agree?

Now, all you have to do is prapare yourselves, for the other sections.

Good luck!!



Iván Patiño Y.

Karen Córdova V.