Fermentation Webquest by J.Naegele

  1. Fermentation is a metabolic process that converts sugar to acids, gases and/or alcohol. It occurs in yeast and bacteria, but also in oxygen-starved muscle cells, as in the case of lactic acid fermentation.|Anaerobic respiration is a form of respiration using electron acceptors other than oxygen. Although oxygen is not used as the final electron acceptor, the process still uses a respiratory electric transport chain. It is respiration without oxygen.|Fermentation Diagram:



Answer the questions below on the topic of their respective websites:


Lactic Acid Fermentation: http://www.webmd.com/a-to-z-guides/lactic-acid-blood-test


1.) Most of it is made by ___________.

A.) Muscle tissue and red blood cells

B.) Brain tissue and red blood cells

C.) Muscle tissue and white blood cells

D.) Small organelles in the dermis skin cells of the Bellybutton. 


2.) Lactic acid levels get __________ when strenuous exercise or other conditions lower the flow of blood and oxygen throughout the body.

A.) Lower

B.) Evenly distributed 

C.) Higher

D.) Taco Bell


3.) Very high levels of lactic acid cause a serious, sometimes life-threatening condition called ___________.

A.) Lactic overdose

B.) Lactic acidosis

C.) Diabetes A

D.) Ebola



Alcoholic Fermentation: http://www.tempeh.info/fermentation/alcohol-fermentation.php


1.) Alcoholic fermentation begins after __________ enters the cell.

A.) Glucose

B.) Yeast

C.) Ethanol 

D.) The con busted for kidnapping


2.) Because the bread fermentation takes a short period, only small amounts of __________ are formed, most of which will evaporate during the bread baking process.

A.) Gluten

B.) Saccharomyces

C.) Alcohol

D.) Rat poison


3.) ___________ is responsible for the alcohol fermentation of wines.

A.) Yeast

B.) Saccharomyces

C.) Ethanol

D.) Dionysus 







Anaerobic versus Aerobic Respiration: http://www.diffen.com/difference/Aerobic_Respiration_vs_Anaerobic_Respi…


1.) Aerobic respiration requires oxygen in order to generate __________.

A.) Energy in ATP

B.) Energy in C6H12O6 (glucose)

C.) Proteins

D.) Electricity 


2.) Without oxygen (anaerobic), pyruvate is not metabolized by cellular respiration but undergoes a process of __________.

A.) Deoxidation

B.) Photosynthesis

C.) Fermentation

D.) Traumatic Heart and Organ Failure, leading to death or serious injury


3.) Aerobic metabolism is _____ times more efficient than anaerobic metabolism.

A.) 100

B.) 19

C.) 61.25

D.) 0.1




In this Webquest, you learned about:

1. Lactic Acid Fermentation

2. Alcoholic Fermentation

3. The advantages of anerobic and aerobic respiration


Make sure you answered all questions to each website.


Created by Jacob Naegele

Teacher Page

Inspiration for this Webquest came from: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=o0u4M6vppCI