The Black Death - Symptoms


The Black Death didn't earn its name for nothing. It had a lot of symptoms to turn human beings into corpses.

The most major symptom were Buboes, or lumps that appear on the skin. They were large, and could appear anywhere, but mostly in the armpits or groin regions (maybe funny, but quite uncomfortable!). These were the most major symptoms and gave the Plague its name.

One of the more ugly symptoms was gangrene. Gangrene is a form of necrosis, where tissue loses blood supply. The lack of blood pumping through turns skin all black and moldy with gangrene (Eww!).

The last major symptom was a bit friendlier, but only a bit. The Plague affected the lungs horribly, causing episodes of major coughing and sneezing. Blood also came up from the mouth and nose (Worst nosebleed ever), and this proved to be the most infectious path from person to person.

The Plague very well deserved its name. The deadly symptoms that were felt have been immortalized in art, unlike people, who died gruesome deaths.