Journey Through The Human Digestive System


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Welcome 8th graders, to an exciting journey through the amazing human digestive system! Have you ever wondered how your body breaks down the food you eat into nutrients we need to be absorbed in our bodies and used for energy? Well, let's find out! Join us as we explore the fascinating process of digestion and discover the role of each organ in this very important human body system. 


Food digestion Vectors & Illustrations for Free Download | Freepik

Your task is to investigate the human digestive system, the organs involved and their functions.

At the end of this WebQuest, students should be able to:

1. Define digestion after viewing a short animated YouTube video about the human digestive system

2. Describe the role of the main digestive organs in the digestion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. 

3. Identify and label the main human digestive organs on a blank diagram of the human body

4. Present a mini presentation on the functions of the main organs in the human digestive system in groups of 3-4. 

Through a series of engaging activities, you will learn about the process of digestion, explore the main digestive organs and discover how they work together to break down your food into nutrients. You will need all your computer and research skills to navigate and complete this WebQuest successfully. Get ready to become digestive system experts!

Let's dive in!


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Task 1: Define Digestion

  • Watch the video provided to learn about the process of digestion.
  • Write a paragraph detailing the human digestive process, and why you think digestion is important for humans in no less than 5 sentences. 


  • Video: Digestive System 

Task 2: Main and Supporting Digestive Organs

  • Use the provided resource to learn about the main and supporting human digestive organs and their functions.
  • Create a list with the human digestive organs and write 2-3 sentences detailing their functions


Task 3: Identifying and Labeling Organs

  • Visit the website provided under resources to access the interactive diagram.
  • Study the provided diagram of the human body without the digestive organs labelled.
  • Place your cursor over each box, and an organ on the diagram will be highlighted.
  • Label the diagram with the correct names of the main digestive organs by typing in the name of the organ that matches the highlighted organ
  • Use the platform to check your answers. 


Task 4: Group Presentation

  • Form a group of 3-4 members.
  • Assign each group member a different digestive organ (mouth, oesophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine). One person may have 2-3 organs based on how you form your groups.
  • Research the assigned organs and their role in digestion using the provided links.
  • Prepare a mini-presentation (3-5 minutes) on the function of the organs in the digestive system. You may use drawings/labelled diagrams to help with your presentations.
  • Present your findings to the class. 



Psychoeducational Evaluation: 3 Tips ...

Your work will be evaluated based on the accuracy and completeness of your research, the clarity and creativity of your presentation and your ability to work collaboratively with your group members. Please see the rubric for the presentation. 


Excellent (4)

Good (3)

Fair (2)

Poor (1)



Accurate and comprehensive explanation of the organ's function in digestion, including its role in digesting proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.

Mostly accurate explanation of the organ's function, but some details may be missing or unclear.

Incomplete or inaccurate explanation of the organ's function, with significant details missing or incorrect.

Little to no explanation of the organ's function, with key details missing or incorrect.



Well-organized presentation with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. Information is presented in a logical sequence.

Mostly well-organized presentation, but some sections may lack clarity or coherence.

Presentation is somewhat disorganized, making it difficult to follow the sequence of information.

Presentation lacks organization, making it difficult to understand the main points.


Visual Aids

Effective use of visual aids (such as diagrams, charts, or images) that enhance understanding of the organ's function. Visual aids are relevant and well-integrated into the presentation.

Adequate use of visual aids, but they may not fully enhance understanding or may be somewhat unrelated to the content.

Limited use of visual aids that do not significantly enhance understanding of the organ's function.

Little to no use of visual aids, or they are unrelated to the content and do not enhance understanding.



Confident and engaging delivery, with clear and audible speech. Group members maintain eye contact with the audience and demonstrate enthusiasm for the topic.

Mostly confident delivery, but some group members may be less engaging or may rely too heavily on notes.

Delivery is somewhat hesitant or monotone, with limited eye contact and enthusiasm.

Delivery is hesitant, monotone, or unclear, with little to no eye contact or enthusiasm.



Strong collaboration among group members, with each member contributing equally to the presentation. Transitions between speakers are smooth and seamless.

Collaboration among group members is evident, but some members may contribute more than others. Transitions between speakers are mostly smooth.

Limited collaboration among group members, with some members dominating the presentation or transitions between speakers being awkward.

Little to no collaboration among group members, with one or two members dominating the presentation and others not participating.


Total Score






Congratulations Images – Browse 2,245 ...

Congratulations! You have completed your Journey Through The Digestive System and learned about the incredible digestion process. By completing this WebQuest, you have shown that you have superb research and collaborative skills. Excellent work! 

Now I was hoping you could reflect on how this knowledge can help you make better food choices and take care of your body. Remember, the digestive system plays a very important role in keeping us healthy and strong! 

Until next time my 8th graders... 

Teacher Page

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Introduction: Welcome, teachers, to the Human Digestive System WebQuest! This WebQuest is designed to help your 8th-grade students learn about the process of digestion and the role of the main human digestive organs. By completing this WebQuest, students will develop a deeper understanding of how the digestive system works and its importance for overall health.


  1. Define digestion and its importance.
  2. Describe the role of the main human digestive organs in the digestion of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.
  3. Identify and label the main human digestive organs on a blank diagram of the human body.
  4. Present a mini presentation on the functions of the main organs in the human digestive system in groups of 3-4.

Materials Needed:

  • Computer or tablet with internet access for each student or group.
  • Printed diagrams of the human body without digestive organs labelled.
  • Presentation materials for group presentations (e.g., PowerPoint, projector).


  • Introduce the WebQuest to students, explaining the objectives and tasks they will be completing.
  • Provide students with access to the Webquest document or webpage, which includes instructions, resources, and links for each task.
  • Monitor student progress and guide as needed.
  • Review and evaluate student presentations based on the provided rubric.


  • Use the provided rubric to assess student understanding and performance on the tasks.
  • Encourage students to reflect on their learning and how it has deepened their understanding of the human digestive system.


For students who finish early or want to further explore the topic, provide additional resources or activities related to digestion and nutrition.

Conclusion: The Human Digestive System WebQuest is a valuable tool for engaging students in the study of the digestive system. It provides a hands-on, interactive way for students to learn about this important biological process and its role in maintaining health and wellness.