Assignment #4 - Kim Beaudry - EA Roles and Responsibilities


Assignment #4 - EA Roles and Responsibilities - Kim Beaudry - 0209494

  As an aspiring Educational Assistant, I want to make sure I have the proper knowledge to be successful. There are so many

people an Educational Assistant must work along side to benefit the child that you are working with. In the long list of people

an Educational Assistant works with,  the two that I have chosen for this assignment are a Speech and Language Therapist as 

well as the Occupational Therapist. 

  A Speech and Language Therapist works with children who have difficulties learning to communicate possibly due to a

disability, which makes it difficult to make sounds in speech, or children who have difficulty understanding even when they

can hear or comprehend just fine. The relationship between a Speech and Language Therapist and an Educational Assistant

needs to have a lot of open communication. Educational Assistants must realize, understand and support the reason's for the

therapists work. Then they must reinforce that work daily with the child.

  An Occupational Therapist is another professional that an Educational Assistant will work with. A child's performance in

school may be impaired because of a physical, developmental, sensory, attentional, and/or learning challenge. Therapy thru

an Occupational Therapist aims to help to improve the student's performance of activities and different tasks important for

their success in school. An Educational Asistant and an Occupational Therapist work together in the same type of relationship

as an Educational Assistant and a Speech Therapist. They must have a complete open communication. The Occupational

Therapist must consult and train the Educational Assistant's effectively to be sure of the student's daily ease and success.


  A Speech and Language Therapist is a highly educated professional that is qualified to evaluate, diagnose and treat a broad

range of delays and disorders. The therapist will try to identify the difficulties and help with speech, language, fluency,

voice, cognitive, and other related communication disorders. They will use different exercises or techniques to help children

learn how to make sounds and speak which include exercises with their tongues, lips and even with swallowing for children

who have major physical or motor impairments. Speech and Language Therapists will also work in areas of attention and

memory. They will use the knowledge of a child's day to day speech and language to figure out the type of therapy to use

and monitor the skills that are taught. For more information on what the job description, duties and requirements are for

Speech and Language Therapists, see…

  The relationship between an Educational Assistant and a Speech and Language Therapist must be one based on

communication so everyone is clear on what is to be expected and how the work should be completed. The therapist will give

an Educational Assistant advice about vocabulary work and structured language teaching. The therapist will ask the EA to

simplify and explain the language that the teacher used to the whole class in a way the student will understand as well as

monitor the child's interaction and communication with their peers. The Speech and Language Therapist will use the

Educational Assistants knowledge of the child's speech and language thru daily activities as a way to determine the success

of therapy programs. Proper training from the Speech and Language Therapist would benefit everyone involved, especially

the child. For more information on Speech and Language Therapist's and what they can help with, go to

  An Occupational Therapist will work with other professionals (Physical Therapists, speech and language therapists, social

workers, etc.) as part of a team. The Occupational Therapist is referred by physicians due to a problem with a child's ability

to perform normal activities of daily living. The types of issues an Occupational Therapist may treat are learning difficulties,

physical disabilities, delayed development or those recovering from illness or injury. The Occupational Therapist will ensure

an understanding of the students' skills and abilities with what is to be expected of them in a classroom. For studies on

whether an Occupational Therapist actually makes a difference in a school setting, please visit

  In case of mobility impairement, an Occupational Therapist would educate both teacher and support staff on proper

measures for effectiveness. The OT's will often consult on designs for safer playground equipment as well as working towards

a barrier free classroom. To find more information on the job prospects of an Occupational Therapist, please go to,

  Communication with Educational Assistant's is essential to maximize the effectiveness of the Occupational Therapist's

program. The OT can provide a basis for developing new and more effective teaching strategies which would include different

programs to enhance the students' abilities to learn. The responsibility of the OT would be to provide proper training and to

share their instructional techniques so that the Educational Assistant can productively implement any and all services needed

on a daily basis. This would definitly be critical for students requiring mobility services. The Occupational Therapist will

assess and reassess the student's progress to re-evaluate and re-establish goals. For more information on becoming an

Occupational Therapist, please go to,


  In conclusion, Speech and Language Therapists as well as Occupational Therapists play a key role in the success of an

Educational Assistant being able to do their job properly and effectively. It is for the better of our children that they are given

an education where they can learn effectively and given every opportunity to receive the correct tools and strategies

implemented for whatever their needs may be to reach that level of learning. A strong relationship with proper communication

between Educational Assistants and other professionals, like the Speech and Language Therapists as well as Occupational

Therapists, will ensure that effective learning for all children.



ETS admin, ECI-Module 3: The Professionals, October 10, 2014, August 27, 2011,…

Susan Dobson, Down Syndrome Education Online, Read October 10, 2014, 1996-2014,

AGCAS editors, Prospects, Read October 10, 2014, December 2012,…

Speech-Language & Audiology Canada, What do Speech-Language Pahtologists do? Read October 10, 2014,

Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists, How does occupational therapy help?, Read October 12, 2014,

S.Sahagian Whalen, CanChild Centre for Childhood Disability Research, Effectiveness of Occupational Therapy in the School Environment, Read October 12, 2014, 2003,

MSOT, MSOT plays a vital role for Occupational Therapists in Manitobe, Read October 12, 2014,

Government of Canada, Occupational Therapists, Read October 12, 2014,

CAOT Publications ACE, Occupational Therapy: Skills for the Job of Living, Read October 12, 2014, May/June 2002,

ldao - Learning Disabilities Association of Ontario, The Role of the Occupational Therapist in Schools, Read October 12, 2014, 2011,…