Polynomial Project :)


Are you ready to learn about factoring polynomials? Well you should be!!! You will face many ways to factor polynomials and you must learn the main ones to survive! You along with 4-7 other troops will take this journey together, I will be your leader and we will jump right into the battlefeild. Are you ready to explore the territory of polynomials? Cause it is life or death from here on out!


By the end of the journey you should be able to factor polynomial, recognize some of the methods to solve them (and maybe even apply the knowledge to the real world).

1. Difference of Squares- a2-b2=(a+b)(a-b)

2. Standard Form with Leading Coefficent-ax2+bx+c

3. Factoring by Grouping


1. First let's go ever factoring standard form with a leading coefficent. In order to do this visit:  www.purplemath.com/modules/specfact.htm

2. Review the information on the web page and when you feel confident please move on to the next lesson in your jourrney.

3. Next let's learn to factor by grouping. In order to do this visit this website: https://www.khanacademy.org/math/algebra/multiplying-factoring-expression/factoring-by-groupin/v/factor-by-grouping-and-factoring-completley

4. Review the information on the web page and when you feel confident please move on to the next lesson in your jourrney.

5.Finally, let's journey into difference of squares. In orde to do this visit this website: www.purplemath.com/modules/specfact.htm

4. Review the information on the web page and when you feel confident please start going to the websites listed below and practice these skills.


Congratulations! You and your fellow mathmaticians made through our journey alive, although your head may hurt from all thatthinking) ;). Remember the skills you have learned today and you should make it through life a-okay. You and your team battled the army of standard form, climbed the wall of difference of squares, and fought off a whole feild of groupers! What an eventful day! You should be proud of yourself troops and good luck in your next mission!
