
Ball games are any form of game or sport which feature a ball as part of play. Complete the tasks to find out details about the Mesoamerican ball game (a sport played by the Mayans) football (or soccer) and basketball.


Group work: Complete the activities below using the websites given

What was the Mesoamerican ballgame like?

Find information about

  • the ball 
  • the court 
  • the uniform  
  • the game

Who invented soccer? What are the roots of soccer?

When did people start to play it in England?

When was there a turning point of soccer as it is today?

When was the first association formed? What was its name?

When was the first official match played?

Who invented basketball? Why did he invent it?

How did the first players play it?

When was the first association formed? What was its name?

Write the key facts about  Wayne Rooney’s and Michael Jordan’s lives.



Group work: prepare a group PPT presentation about your topic (BALL GAMES).

You'll have to use it to present the topic to your classmates.

Don't write too much on the PPT slides. Insert pictures, key words and data only.


Assessment of speaking skills

oral production, pronunciation, intonation, fluency, accuracy, vocabulary and voice quality.



There's a sense of belonging and identity in playing ball games.

What's your favourite ball game?

How do you feel when you play it?

Is it important for you to play a ball game? Why?Why not?