Learning about Fossils


Get ready to embark on an exciting journey into the world of paleontology and geological history! In this quest, we will dive deep into the fascinating realm of fossils to uncover the secrets of Earth's ancient past and understand how changes in landforms have unfolded over time.


Your mission is to explore the provided fossil websites and analyze the information presented to identify evidence from patterns in rock formations and fossils in rock layers. As budding paleontologists, your goal is to uncover clues that will help support an explanation for changes in landforms over time, in alignment with the performance expectation.


To learn more about fossils, click on the links provided below. These websites offer a wealth of information and resources to deepen your understanding of fossils and Earth's ancient history.


Use this link to find the definition of a fossil. 








1. What is paleontology?


2. How do scientists gather information on dinosaurs?


3. The fossil has the same shape as the original object, but is chemically more like a: (circle one)

dinosaur                    rock                        mineral


4.What is the definition of a fossil?



5.How does this website define a fossil?


6. What’s the oldest a fossil can be? (circle one)

a. 1,000,000 years  

b. 500,000,000 years  

c. 1 year 

7.Can you find fossils anywhere? (circle one)

Yes                      No 

 8.Name one place you can find fossils. _________________________________

9.Type two fossil facts you learned.


10.Which dinosaur do scientists believe to be the largest ever?




By analyzing patterns in rock formations and fossils found in rock layers, we have unraveled clues that shed light on the changes in landforms over time.Through our exploration of the provided fossil websites, we have gained valuable insights into the processes that have shaped Earth's surface over millions of years.

  1. Science Kids. (n.d.). Fossil Facts. Retrieved from https://www.sciencekids.co.nz/sciencefacts/earth/fossils.html

  2. Encyclopædia Britannica. (n.d.). Dictionary. Retrieved from https://www.britannica.com/dictionary

  3. Fossils for Kids. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.fossilsforkids.com/Page2.html

  4. Fossils Facts and Finds. (n.d.). Facts on Fossils. Retrieved from https://www.fossils-facts-and-finds.com/facts_on_fossils.html

Teacher Page

Identify evidence from patterns in rock formations and fossils in rock layers to support an explanation for changes in landforms over time.


Local, regional, and global patterns of rock formations reveal changes over time due to Earth’s forces such as earthquakes and volcanoes. The presence and location of certain fossil types indicate the order in which rock layers were formed.