

What is a pirate?


Is this a pirate?


Are they pirates?

Are they pirates??


What do pirates do?

Pirates sail the seas!

They look for buried treasure!

They dig up treasure!

They hang their black flags!

Pirates do what they want!

What do pirates say?

Ahoy! - "Hello!"

Avast! - Stop and give attention. It can be used in a sense of surprise, "Whoa!" 

Aye! - "Why yes, I agree with everything you just said or did."

Aye aye! - "I'll get right on that sir!"

Arrr! - "Arrr!" can mean, variously, "yes," "I agree," "I'm happy!"

What do pirates eat?

They ate "salt horse" or salted meat!

They ate sauerkraut!

They ate "hard tack" or sea biscuits (bread)!

Do you know the ABCs of pirates?


You did great!!!!

Now, let's review:

What do pirates do?

What do pirates say?

What do pirates eat?

One more question:  What do pirates LOVE?


Great work, matey!!

See you next time!