Math Operations


Math operations are at the basis of what we do. They are what teach us how to add money, divide objects amongst a group of people, estimate the distance of something, and more. People use it everyday. For example,  to cook, build objects, estimate the cost they will spend on groceries, save money, and estimate the expenses needed for traveling. Some people even need it their career! Math is everywhere and knowing how to add, divide, multiply, and subtract is only the start. The goal of this quest is to make you more familiar with these operations and recognize when you are using them. 

Math Operation Symbols Images, Stock Photos & Vectors | Shutterstock

Questions To Get You Started.

what are the four math operations?

a little about each operation



You are required to document a situation in the real world where either you or someone else uses a operation . Once you have documented them all, create a final book with pictures and descriptions to explain your research. This project will allow you to practice these skills and recognize how often they are used. 

Mathematical operations

  1. The fist step is to create a document
  2. Next, list numbers 1-4. Next to each number place one of the operations till all 4 are listed. Under the operation, describe how you used it or saw someone else use it, where it took place, and the problems you or they did. For example,  if you used addition to cook. You could say I used addition to cook in my kitchen. I added one cup of flour plus another one cup of flour to make two total as the recipe called for. Do not forget to include your pictures with these detailed descriptions. 
  3. Now that you have gathered all your research, make a book! I want you to have fun with this part. This will be your own collection of all the operations you have found. Name the book my math operations . 

Once you know the operations, you will be able to identify them in any situation! 

Establishing effective IT Operations in 4 steps


Knowing these operations are important for the future. In school alone, all other concepts are built off knowing how to do these basic skills along with many things in life. This project is a introduction to using such operations outside of the classroom and a way to provide you with more practice. 

Basic math operations - Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division


I would like to thank my professor for showing me how to use this website. 

Images from:

Teacher Page

By Cambria Admire

This was designed for students to see the importance of knowing how to do the four operations. In order to achieve other mathematical problems they have to be able to perform these.