The Sony Quest - There's Sony One


Sony is arguably one of the biggest players in the technological market.

They invented the Playstation, the Walkman, they invented blu-ray.

But, as many companies, they had humble begins. And it's with these humble beginnings that we will begin our quest


Picture this: It's the year 2100, and Sony have hit a wall. Profits are dropping and there's nothing new coming out of the company after the diaster that was yellow-ray.  For all intents and purposes, people are over them.

Now, Sony has records of when events like these happened in the past, but none on paper. The digital age has just moved forward, and Sony have all their records in a digital archive. But, unfortunately, these records were deleted to free up some room on the mainframe. Smooth move, Sony...

Knowing they need these records accessed, they hired a renowned "bounty hunter" of sorts.

As Sony's de facto time-travelling document-recovering resident bad@ss, it's up to you to retrieve these documents and save the future of the company.


Using the powers that be (a.k.a the Internet) find answers to the questions that will bring future Sony back from the metaphorical technological globally-markety grave. It's up to you now, lest the people of Earth, 2100 never get a Playstation 12.

1. When was Sony founded and how did they start?

2. How did they orignally come to commercial success?

3. How did the company crack into the international market?

4. What was Sony called before it was called Sony? And when did the name change come about?

5. When did Sony branch out and establish itself in different countries?

6. Is the company focused solely on technology? Defend your answer.

7. When did the company suffer its first major profit loss?

8. What got the company back on the market after said profit loss?

Now, in the future, we utilise a resource called wikipedia. It's pretty much what everyone in the world uses to write essays and the like in the future. I'd bet my money something interesting would come from that.

However, don't limit your resources. Branch out!


Good job! You might have brought Sony from th fiery depths of being broke. We don't know for sure yet, but good job all the same!


Written by Matt Benecke

Research by Matt Benecke and Kyle Armstrong

Sony representitives, 2100